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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.


WORD-1: Wagging

CONTEXT: They don’t want to feel like a schoolmarm wagging their finger at how people live their lives.”

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When a dog is happy and moves its tail back and forth quickly, that’s called “wagging.” It’s like when you’re so happy that you can’t stop smiling and jumping around.

MEANING: Moving back and forth or up and down quickly (verb).


SYNONYMS: swinging, swaying, shaking, twitching, flapping

1. The dog was wagging its tail excitedly.
2. He could see his puppy wagging its tail from the window.
3. The little dog kept wagging its tail while waiting for food.
4. She greeted her returning owner with a wagging tail.


WORD-2: Extolling

CONTEXT: the value of marriage as an institution but who stop short of extolling “the ideal of the two-parent family.”

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you tell everyone how great your best friend or your favorite superhero is, you’re “extolling” them. It means to praise someone or something a lot.

MEANING: Praising enthusiastically (verb).


SYNONYMS: praising, lauding, acclaiming, glorifying, applauding

1. The teacher was extolling the virtues of hard work.
2. He kept extolling her achievements to everyone at the party.
3. Critics are extolling the new movie as a masterpiece.
4. She spent the evening extolling the benefits of a healthy diet.


WORD-3: Sclerosing

CONTEXT: In very rare cases, many years after an initial infection, measles can even lead to an incurable degenerative neurological disorder called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which can produce sudden loss of language and balance, typically in adolescents who got sick with measles but recovered as young children, and will almost always eventually lead to coma and death.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something inside the body gets thick and hard, it’s called “sclerosing.” It’s like when mud dries up and gets really tough to break apart.

MEANING: Causing or becoming hardened or stiff (verb).


SYNONYMS: hardening, stiffening, thickening, solidifying, toughening

1. Sclerosing agents are used in medical treatments.
2. The disease involves the sclerosing of tissues.
3. Sclerosing techniques are applied to manage certain vascular conditions.
4. The sclerosing of the veins was a necessary procedure.

Implausible Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Implausible

CONTEXT: This is the kind of spike — a 3,000 percent increase — that looks implausible in headlines.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If someone told you that a pig flew all the way to the moon, you’d think it’s “implausible,” which means it sounds like it couldn’t really happen because it’s not believable.

MEANING: Not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince (adjective).


SYNONYMS: unlikely, unbelievable, improbable, doubtful, far-fetched

1. The idea that he could finish the project in one day was implausible.
2. She gave an implausible excuse for being late.
3. The plot of the movie was entertaining but implausible.
4. His story was so implausible that nobody believed him.


WORD-5: Expedited

CONTEXT: the compromise would provide the resources for a vastly expedited asylum process, one designed to reach final decisions in six months, as opposed to the yearslong process that exists today.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you need something done really fast, like sending a letter quickly so it arrives tomorrow, it’s being “expedited.” It means making something happen sooner or more quickly.

MEANING: Made faster or sped up (verb).


SYNONYMS: accelerated, hastened, rushed, fast-tracked, speeded up

1. The company expedited the delivery of urgent supplies.
2. They expedited the process to meet the deadline.
3. Legal proceedings were expedited due to the urgency of the case.
4. The application was expedited through special measures.

Affluent Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Affluent

CONTEXT: the term as “ideas and opinions that confer status on the affluent while often inflicting costs on the lower classes.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If a neighborhood has big houses, fancy cars, and lots of toys, it’s called “affluent.” It means having a lot of money and nice things.

MEANING: Having a lot of money and a high standard of living (adjective).


SYNONYMS: wealthy, rich, prosperous, well-off, moneyed

1. She grew up in an affluent family.
2. The affluent neighborhood boasted large estates and luxury cars.
3. There are many affluent shoppers in this area.
4. He donated a significant amount of his affluent resources to charity.

Confrontation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Confrontation

CONTEXT: they could tip into a direct confrontation between state and federal authority of a kind not seen since the Civil War.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When two people stand face to face and argue because they disagree about something, that’s a “confrontation.” It’s like when superheroes face off against villains.

MEANING: A direct encounter between opposing parties, typically involving
conflict or disagreement (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kon-frun-TAY-shun

SYNONYMS: conflict, clash, encounter, face-off, showdown

1. The discussion escalated into a heated confrontation.
2. He tried to avoid confrontation by leaving the room.
3. There was a confrontation between protesters and the police.
4. The movie climaxes with a dramatic confrontation between the hero and villain.

Enacting Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Enacting

CONTEXT: In 2019 the Trump administration attempted to address this challenge by enacting what it called the Migrant Protection Protocols

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When people decide on a new rule at school, like no running in the halls, and start making sure everyone follows it, they are “enacting” the rule. It means putting a rule into action.

MEANING: Making into a law or a rule (Verb).


SYNONYMS: legislating, passing, decreeing, implementing, executing

1. The government is enacting new policies to improve public health.
2. They are enacting a plan to increase security at the school.
3. The scene was enacted by professional actors.
4. Legislators focused on enacting laws to protect the environment.


WORD-9: Detaining

CONTEXT: Federal law requires detaining asylum applicants while their applications are pending, but as the Supreme Court recently observed, Congress has never provided sufficient funds to build the necessary detention capacity.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you need to stay in one place and can’t leave, like staying in your classroom during a lockdown drill, you are being “detained.” It means being kept in a place and not allowed to leave.

MEANING: Keeping someone in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in politically sensitive situations (verb).


SYNONYMS: holding, confining, imprisoning, incarcerating, restraining

1. The suspects were detained by the police for further questioning.
2. He was detained without charge.
3. Several journalists were detained during the protests.
4. The airport security briefly detained him due to a misunderstanding.

Sheltering Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Sheltering

CONTEXT: the promise “never again” means actively sheltering people who are fleeing terrible persecution.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you build a fort with blankets and pillows to keep cozy and safe, you’re “sheltering” inside it. It means protecting yourself or someone else from bad weather or danger.

MEANING: Providing refuge, protection, or a safe place from danger, bad weather, or harm (verb).


SYNONYMS: harboring, protecting, safeguarding, housing, covering

1. The cave was used for sheltering from the storm.
2. They were sheltering a family in need during the crisis.
3. The program focuses on sheltering homeless individuals.
4. Birds were sheltering in the trees during the heavy rain.



Vocabulary 100 Words

Title: “Gateways to Language Mastery: Discovering ‘Vocabulary 100 Words'”

Diving into the exciting waters of language learning, encountering a list of ‘vocabulary 100 words’ is a common step. These lists, often tailored to specific proficiency levels or topics, present microcosms of the language, cradling essential words that broaden our linguistic comprehension. However, to effectively grasp ‘vocabulary 100 words’, a well-crafted strategy is imperative.

The cornerstone of learning any ‘vocabulary 100 words’ lies in understanding each word with depth. This involves more than just registering the meaning. It extends to understanding its use in different contexts, its nuances, and its connotations.

When navigating ‘vocabulary 100 words’, pacing is extremely important. Rather than trying to absorb all the words at once, a steady approach of learning a few words every day promotes better retention. This assures your brain is not overwhelmed with information, resulting in more effective learning.

Interactivity adds a significant boost while engaging with ‘vocabulary 100 words’. Employ tools like flashcards or digital language-learning apps to make your learning experience more engaging. Regular tests or quizzes provided by these platforms can be beneficial in gauging your progress and identifying areas that need additional work.

Real-world usage significantly enriches understanding of ‘vocabulary 100 words’. Incorporate the words into your daily conversations, writing, or social media interactions. This practice element not only empowers retention but also bolsters your confidence in using these words correctly.

In conclusion, mastering ‘vocabulary 100 words’ is an enriching journey that calls for systematic learning, paced approach, engaging tools, and practical application. As you venture down this path, you’ll find the ‘vocabulary 100 words’ transforming from daunting lists into friendly allies, accompanying you on your thrilling linguistic exploration.

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