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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.


WORD-1: magnanimous

CONTEXT: i don’t think barrymore intended any harm, quite the opposite, and the vice president was magnanimous, taking the comment in stride and with good cheer. The studio audience applauded.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: magnanimous is when someone is very kind and generous, especially to someone else who might not have been nice to them. It’s like sharing your snacks with someone who didn’t share theirs with you.

MEANING: showing or having a generous and forgiving nature, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: mag-nan-i-mus

SYNONYMS: generous, charitable, benevolent, gracious, noble, forgiving.


1. He was magnanimous in victory, praising his opponent.

2. Her magnanimous donation helped to build the new library.

3. Despite the criticism, he responded in a magnanimous manner.

4. It was magnanimous of her to forgive those who wronged her.

Oblivious Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: oblivious

CONTEXT: but even gentle and oblivious stereotyping can be harmful, and it’s important that we explore why this comment, which may seem innocuous to some, is offensive to others.

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SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: oblivious means not knowing what is happening around you. It’s like being so focused on coloring that you don’t notice someone calling your name.

MEANING: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: uh-bliv-ee-us

SYNONYMS: unaware, unconscious, heedless, unmindful, inattentive, clueless.


1. He was oblivious to the fact that he had food on his face.

2. She walked past, oblivious to the attention she attracted.

3. They were oblivious to the dangers of the situation.

4. Oblivious of the time, he missed his bus.


WORD-3: innocuous

CONTEXT: but even gentle and oblivious stereotyping can be harmful, and it’s important that we explore why this comment, which may seem innocuous to some, is offensive to others.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: innocuous means something that is harmless and doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s like a soft toy that can’t make you cry even if it bumps into you.

MEANING: not harmful or offensive (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: in-nok-yoo-us

SYNONYMS: harmless, safe, non-threatening, benign, inoffensive, mild.


1. It seemed like an innocuous question, but it made her uneasy.

2. The substance is innocuous and can be safely handled.

3. His comment was intended to be innocuous.

4. They played an innocuous game that everyone enjoyed.


WORD-4: emasculating

CONTEXT: there’s the sapphire caricature from “amos ’n’ andy,” the emasculating shrew who is rude, meanspirited and prone to fits of rage.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: emasculating is when something makes someone feel like they are less strong or less confident. It’s like taking away someone’s superhero cape when they are pretending to be a superhero.

MEANING: making someone feel weaker or less effective; depriving a man of his male role or identity (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: i-mas-kyuh-lay-ting

SYNONYMS: weakening, undermining, disempowering, demoralizing, crippling, unmanly.


1. The constant criticism was emasculating him.

2. He felt emasculated by his inability to find a job.

3. The defeat was an emasculating blow to the team’s morale.

4. She accused the media of trying to emasculate political leaders.

Meanspirited Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: meanspirited

CONTEXT: there’s the sapphire caricature from “amos ’n’ andy,” the emasculating shrew who is rude, meanspirited and prone to fits of rage.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: meanspirited is when someone acts or thinks in a way that is unkind and tries to hurt others. It’s like saying mean things to make someone else feel bad.

MEANING: having or showing a cruel and malicious nature (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: meen-spir-i-tid

SYNONYMS: malicious, spiteful, unkind, nasty, malevolent, vindictive.


1. The comments on social media were unnecessarily meanspirited.

2. He was known for his meanspirited attitude toward others.

3. Her meanspirited remark hurt her friend’s feelings.

4. The debate turned meanspirited and personal.


WORD-6: promiscuity

CONTEXT: a stereotype popularized during ronald reagan’s 1976 presidential campaign — rooted in the toxic combination of promiscuity and work avoidance

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: promiscuity is when someone has a lot of romantic partners. It’s a term used more for adults and is about how someone chooses to behave in relationships.

MEANING: the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with little or no emotional commitment (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: pro-mis-kyoo-i-tee

SYNONYMS: licentiousness, wantonness, looseness, libertinism, indiscretion, immorality.


1. The novel explores themes of love, betrayal, and promiscuity.

2. There are health risks associated with sexual promiscuity.

3. He criticized the media’s portrayal of promiscuity as glamorous.

4. The research study examines the causes of promiscuity among adolescents.

Condescends Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: condescends

CONTEXT: the color purple,” about someone so blinded by a conception of her own virtue that it doesn’t register when she condescends.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: condescends means talking down to someone as if you are more important or smarter than they are. It’s like explaining something in a way that makes the other person feel small or silly.

MEANING: show feelings of superiority; talk down to (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: kon-duh-sendz

SYNONYMS: patronizes, talks down, belittles, stoops, deigns, humiliates.


1. She hates it when people condescend to her just because she’s young.

2. He condescended to explain the rules as if I were a child.

3. They felt condescended to during the meeting.

4. The teacher never condescends to his students, treating them as equals.

WORD-8: pessimistic

CONTEXT: a decade ago, I was feeling pretty pessimistic about climate change.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: pessimistic means always thinking that bad things will happen or that something will not be successful. It’s like expecting it to rain every time you plan to go outside and play.

MEANING: Expecting the worst possible outcome in any situation (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: pes-uh-mis-tik

SYNONYMS: gloomy, negative, cynical, bleak, hopeless, despairing.


1. He is pessimistic about the chances of success.

2. Her pessimistic outlook makes it hard to cheer her up.

3. The report offered a pessimistic view of the economy.

4. Despite his pessimistic nature, he agreed to try the new venture.

Plummeted Picture Vocabulary

WORD-9: plummeted

CONTEXT: the costs of solar and wind power have plummeted. Same for electric batteries.

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: plummeted means to fall down very quickly and suddenly. It’s like when a toy airplane dives down fast towards the ground.

MEANING: To fall or drop straight down at high speed (verb).


SYNONYMS: plunged, dropped, fell, crashed, dived, tumbled.


1. The stock prices plummeted overnight.

2. His spirits plummeted when he heard the news.

3. The bird plummeted from the sky.

4. Temperatures plummeted below zero during the night.


WORD-10: reinstated

CONTEXT: on April 8, one day before the Arizona Supreme Court reinstated a ban on abortion from 1864, Donald Trump said the issue of abortion rights should be left to the states and “whatever they decide must be the law of the land.”

SOURCE: new york times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: reinstated means putting something back the way it was before. It’s like when you get your toy back after it was taken away because you weren’t sharing.

MEANING: restore (someone or something) to their former position or condition (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: ree-in-state-ed

SYNONYMS: restored, returned, replaced, reestablished, reappointed, revived.


1. She was reinstated to her previous job.

2. The club reinstated his membership after the misunderstanding was cleared up.

3. The old rules were reinstated after the new ones failed.

4. He was reinstated as captain of the team after his apology.



Vocabulary Daily Words

Title: “Language in Action: Embracing ‘Vocabulary Daily Words'”

Among the myriad aspects of language learning, the role of ‘vocabulary daily words’ attests to their undeniable importance. These everyday words form the bedrock of communication. Whether used in casual chat or formal discussion, the fluency and understanding of ‘vocabulary daily words’ can significantly uplift the quality of interaction. However, the vital question is, how to effectively learn these ‘vocabulary daily words’?

The crux of learning ‘vocabulary daily words’ lies in a well-rounded approach that encompasses exposure, understanding, memorization, and practice. Rote memorization might seem like a quick solution, but it lacks context and, thereby, retention. Hence, opt for a diverse range of resources like books, newspapers, podcasts, and digital media. These will bring ‘vocabulary daily words’ to life, providing real-life usage examples and making the learning process inherently engaging.

Next, using memory-enhancing techniques can significantly improve retention of ‘vocabulary daily words’. Techniques such as flashcards or the Leitner System align with the principles of spaced repetition, allowing more effective and long-term learning. Incorporating mnemonic devices, associating new words with unique stories or images, can further facilitate this learning process.

The key to fully grasping ‘vocabulary daily words’ lies in practical usage. Make it a habit to use these words in your daily communications. Whether it’s a friendly conversation, a professional email, or a social media post, try integrating these new words. Doing so provides hands-on practice, strengthening your comprehension and application of these words.

In a nutshell, ‘vocabulary daily words’ are a treasure in the language learning landscape. By harnessing diversified resources, utilizing memory techniques, and actively using these words, your grip on the ‘vocabulary daily words’ will strengthen significantly. So, turn the pages, hit play, start a conversation, and let these ‘vocabulary daily words’ shape the story of your linguistic journey.

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