
Daily Vocabulary from The Hindu: August 19, 2019

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1. Enshrine
• Preserve a right, tradition, or idea in a form that ensures it will be protected and respected.
Usage: The right of all workers to strike was enshrined in the new constitution.

2. Iffy
• Doubtful quality or legality.
Usage: A good wine merchant will change the iffy bottles for sound ones.

3. Roll over and play dead
• An allusion to a particular behavior in which certain animals feign death as a defence mechanism when faced with the threat of a predator.
Usage: You can’t just roll over and play dead every time they order you something to do.

4. Slouch
• Stand, move, or sit in a lazy, drooping way.
Usage: He slouched against the wall.
Synonyms: Slump, hunch.

5. Squelch
• A soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud.
Usage: The squelch of their feet.
• In telecommunications, squelch is a circuit function that acts to suppress the audio output of a receiver in the absence of a sufficiently strong desired input signal. Essentially, squelch is a specialized type of noise gate designed to suppress randomized signals.

6. Ventriloquism
• Ventriloquism is an act of stagecraft in which a person changes his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteer prop, known as a “dummy”.
Usage: Misdirection of sound, the heart of ventriloquism, often landed me in trouble.

7. Skulduggery
• Underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Usage: Politicians who have no qualms about lying believe that politics is the highest form of skulduggery.
Synonyms: trickery, swindling, fraudulence, double-dealing, sharp practice.

8. Wager
• Bet or Gamble
Usage: I’ll wager that there will be no trace of them.

9. Painstaking
• Done with or employing great care and thoroughness.
Usage: The auditing team paid painstaking attention to detail and TnC while investing in Mutual Funds.
Synonyms: Meticulous, thorough, assiduous, sedulous, attentive, and diligent.

10. Feather your own nest
• To make yourself rich, especially in a way that is unfair or dishonest
Usage: Politicians are a set of good-for-nothings who make fools of other people, and feather your own nests at the expense of India.

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