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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Intensify Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Intensify

CONTEXT: Pakistan parties intensify efforts to form coalition government after split verdict in February 8 elections

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re coloring with your crayons, and you press down really hard to make the color really bright and strong. That’s like making something more powerful or stronger, just like when you turn up the volume on your TV to make the sound louder. That’s what “intensify” means: making something stronger or more intense.

MEANING: To make something stronger or more intense (verb).


SYNONYMS: Amplify, Strengthen, Heighten, Enhance, Boost, Escalate

– The music began to intensify as the climax of the movie approached.
– Her efforts to study intensified as the exam date neared.
– The storm intensified overnight, causing more damage.
– The debate between the two sides intensified.
– Their training intensified in preparation for the competition.

WORD-2: Coalition

CONTEXT: Pakistan parties intensify efforts to form coalition government after split verdict in February 8 elections

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you and your friends form a team to build the biggest sandcastle. Each of you brings different toys and shovels to help make it happen. That’s like a group of people or teams coming together to achieve a goal or do something important. That’s what a “coalition” is: a team or group formed by people or groups coming together.

MEANING: A temporary alliance for com bined action, especially among political parties (noun).


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SYNONYMS: Alliance, Union, Partnership, League, Confederation, Consortium

– The two parties formed a coalition to govern the country.
– Environmental groups formed a coalition to protect the forest.
– A coalition of businesses sponsored the event.
– They entered into a coalition to improve community services.

Verdict Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Verdict

CONTEXT: Pakistan parties intensify efforts to form coalition government after split verdict in February 8 elections

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you and your friends are playing a game where you have to decide if someone is the tagger or not. After everyone talks and thinks about it, you all make a decision together. That decision is like a “verdict” – it’s the final decision or answer after people think and talk about something, especially in court when deciding if someone has broken the law.

MEANING: The final decision or judgment made by a jury or judge in a court (noun).


SYNONYMS: Judgment, Decision, Ruling, Conclusion, Resolution, Finding

– The jury reached a verdict of guilty.
– Everyone awaited the judge’s verdict anxiously.
– The verdict in the case was not guilty.
– The public was surprised by the trial’s verdict.


WORD-4: Split

CONTEXT: Pakistan parties intensify efforts to form coalition government after split verdict in February 8 elections

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a chocolate bar, and you break it into two pieces so you can share it with your friend. That’s like splitting something – breaking or dividing it into parts. It can also mean when people decide to go different ways or when something breaks apart.

MEANING: To divide or break into parts or portions (verb); also refers to a division or separation (noun).


SYNONYMS: (Verb) Divide, Separate, Break, Part, Segment, Bisect

– They decided to split the bill at the restaurant.
– The group split into two teams for the game.
– The board was split on the decision.
– The rock split in half when he hit it.

Vitiated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Vitiated

CONTEXT: The general elections were held on February 8, but the unusual delay in the announcement of results vitiated the atmosphere as several parties cried foul and some resorted to protests

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re building a sandcastle, but someone adds water to your sand, making it too wet to hold its shape. That’s like spoiling something or making it not good anymore. When something is “vitiated,” it’s like it’s been made bad or spoiled, so it’s not as good as it was before.

MEANING: Spoiled or impaired the quality or efficiency of something (verb).


SYNONYMS: Spoiled, Weakened, Degraded, Corrupted, Impaired, Tainted

– The contract was vitiated by the false statements of one party.
– The air quality was vitiated by smoke from the fires.
– Their argument was vitiated by the lack of evidence.
– The water supply was vitiated by pollution.


WORD-6: Coup-prone

CONTEXT: The three main political parties in Pakistan on February 11 intensified their efforts for the formation of a coalition government after it became clear that the coup-prone country faced a hung Parliament after general elections marred by allegations of rigging.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a game where the leader keeps being tagged out, and someone new becomes the leader over and over again. This game is like places where the person in charge can suddenly and often be changed by surprise, which is what “coup-prone” means. It’s used to describe a place where these sudden changes in leadership happen a lot.

MEANING: Likely to experience sudden changes in government or leadership, typically through undemocratic means (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Unstable, Turbulent, Volatile, Restive, Rebellious, Insurrectionary

– The country was considered coup-prone due to its political instability.
– Coup-prone nations often face economic challenges.
– The military’s influence made the government coup-prone.
– External influences contributed to the nation’s coup-prone status.


WORD-7: Rigging

CONTEXT: The three main political parties in Pakistan on February 11 intensified their efforts for the formation of a coalition government after it became clear that the coup-prone country faced a hung Parliament after general elections marred by allegations of rigging.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re playing a game, but someone secretly changes the rules so only they can win. That’s not fair, right? That’s what “rigging” is – secretly changing something in a dishonest way to get the result you want, like making sure only your favorite toy wins in a race of toys.

MEANING: The act of manipulating or setting up a system or event dishonestly for a desired outcome (noun).


SYNONYMS: Manipulation, Tampering, Fixing, Fraud, Cheating, Falsification

– The investigation revealed rigging in the election process.
– Rigging the contest resulted in unfair advantages.
– There were accusations of rigging in the vote counting.
– The game was fun until someone was caught rigging the outcome.


WORD-8: Inordinate

CONTEXT: Amidst allegations of vote rigging and inordinate delay in announcing the results, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on February 11 published the results of 264 out of 265 contested seats in the 266-member National Assembly.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a box of crayons, and you decide to use all the blue ones until they’re all gone, leaving none for your friends. That’s using way too many crayons than what’s fair or usual. When something is “inordinate,” it means there’s much more of it than is normal or necessary, like having way too many cookies and not being able to eat them all.

MEANING: Exceeding reasonable limits, excessively large or abundant (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Excessive, Exorbitant, Unreasonable, Disproportionate, Immoderate, Overabundant

– She spent an inordinate amount of time on her homework.
– The project required an inordinate amount of resources.
– There was an inordinate delay in the delivery.
– His inordinate enthusiasm sometimes overwhelmed his friends.


WORD-9: Amidst

CONTEXT: Amidst allegations of vote rigging and inordinate delay in announcing the results, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on February 11 published the results of 264 out of 265 contested seats in the 266-member National Assembly.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re playing hide and seek in a garden full of flowers, trees, and bushes. You decide to hide right in the middle of a big bush where it’s hard to see you. Being in the middle of that bush is like being “amidst” something – you’re surrounded by it or in the middle of it all.

MEANING: In the middle of or surrounded by (preposition).


SYNONYMS: Among, In the midst of, Surrounded by, Between, Within, In the middle of

– She found a quiet spot amidst the chaos.
– The cottage was hidden amidst tall trees.
– Amidst the celebration, she felt lonely.
– He remained calm amidst the crisis.

Reconciliation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Reconciliation

CONTEXT: Meanwhile, Mr. Bilawal, the 35-year-old former foreign minister said no one could form governments in the Centre, Punjab or Balochistan without his party’s support, and the PPP’s door was open to every political party for dialogue, as reconciliation was vital for political stability.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine two friends who had a big argument and stopped playing together. Then, they talk about their feelings, say sorry, and decide to be friends again, playing and sharing toys like before. That’s what “reconciliation” is – making up after a disagreement and becoming friends again.

MEANING: The process of making two opposing sides agree and become friendly again (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ree-kon-sil-ee-AY-shun

SYNONYMS: Settlement, Resolution, Accord, Rapprochement, Harmony, Agreement

– The family sought reconciliation after years of conflict.
– Reconciliation between the two countries was achieved through diplomacy.
– The council called for reconciliation among community members.
– She hoped for reconciliation with her old friend.



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Title: Unleashing Linguistic Potential with ‘Vocabulary Norman Lewis’

One does not merely learn a language, but embarks on a journey steeped in culture and understanding. Taking up this adventure, a standout guide that has stood the test of time is ‘Vocabulary Norman Lewis’. This essential tool empowers readers to master the English language by methodically strengthening their word bank to enhance communication skills and knowledge.

‘Dictionary Norman Lewis’ isn’t just about memorizing lists of complex words thrown together. It is an intricate framework designed to foster deep learning. This tool specializes in helping users to not only learn meanings but to understand applications, intricacies, connotations, and in-depth uses of a multitude of words.

The comprehensive volume ‘Vocabulary Norman Lewis’ is as intellectually stimulating as it is practical. Lewis, an author and grammarian, utilized his profound knowledge to simplify approximatively 3000 advanced English words alphabetically systematically, along with their synonyms, antonyms, and usage. The best method to learn is by virtue of familiarizing oneself with the context in which words are applied in sentences. This will ensure the readers steadily grasp the semantics, syntactics, and nuances of each vocabulary.

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