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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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Pegged Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Pegged

CONTEXT: It has pegged its gross and net market borrowing at Rs.14.13 lakh crore and Rs. 11.75 lakh crore respectively.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a toy that you really like, and you want to make sure it stays in one place. Putting a peg on the ground and attaching a string to your toy is like pegging it. Pegged means connecting or fixing something in a certain spot, just like you do with your favorite toys.

MEANING: Attached or fixed in a specific position. (verb)


SYNONYMS: anchored, fastened, secured, affixed, attached

1. She pegged her artwork on the wall for everyone to see.
2. The clothes were pegged to the clothesline to dry in the sun.
3. He pegged the important note to the bulletin board.
4. The dog pegged its favorite toy to the ground.

Equitable Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Equitable

CONTEXT: Such a growth outcome can hardly be considered equitable or inclusive.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Equitable is like making sure everyone gets a fair share of candy. It’s about being fair and equal, so if you have sweets, you want to share them in an equitable way, making sure everyone gets a fair amount.

MEANING: Fair and impartial (Adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: eh-kwuh-tuh-buhl

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SYNONYMS: fair, just, impartial, unbiased, even-handed

1. The teacher ensured equitable distribution of treats among all students.
2. A good leader makes equitable decisions that benefit everyone.
3. The judge’s ruling was based on the principle of equitable justice.
4. In a fair game, both teams have an equitable chance of winning.

Ameliorated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Ameliorated

CONTEXT: the stagnation or fall of agricultural prices in the market was not ameliorated by any rise in minimum support prices (MSP).

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you have a friend who feels sad, and you do something nice to make them feel better, you’re ameliorating their mood. Ameliorated means making something bad or sad become better and happier.

MEANING: Improved or made better, especially a situation or someone’s feelings. (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: uh-meel-yuh-rey-ted

SYNONYMS: enhanced, upgraded, alleviated, improved, uplifted

1. The new medicine ameliorated the patient’s pain.
2. The kind words from a friend ameliorated her sadness.
3. Planting flowers in the garden ameliorated the overall look of the backyard.
4. The teacher’s encouragement ameliorated the student’s confidence.


WORD-4: Fortuitous

CONTEXT: the fortuitous spurt of agricultural growth during the pandemic years was inadequate to reverse the long-term decline of agricultural growth beginning from the early-2010s.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Fortuitous is like finding a shiny coin on the street when you weren’t even looking for it. It means something good happening by chance, like a surprise that makes you happy.

MEANING: Happening by chance or luck, fortunate. (adjective)

PRONUNCIATION: for-too-i-tuhs

SYNONYMS: serendipitous, unexpected, fortunate, lucky, providential

1. The fortuitous discovery of the lost keys saved the day.
2. Their meeting was fortuitous, leading to a great friendship.
3. The rain stopped just in time for the fortuitous outdoor event.
4. Winning the lottery was a fortuitous turn of events for him.


WORD-5: Digitisation

CONTEXT: The announcement of the creation of a corpus of ₹1 lakh crore along with 50-year interest-free loans for research and development in the sunrise domains will no doubt bolster the country’s digitisation march while creating opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Digitisation is like turning your favorite storybook into a magical tablet that you can read on the screen. It’s the process of changing things from paper or physical forms into digital or electronic versions.

MEANING: Converting information or things into digital form. (noun)

PRONUNCIATION: dij-i-tuh-zey-shun

SYNONYMS: digitalization, computerization, electronic conversion, data transformation, tech adaptation

1. The digitization of old photographs preserved them for future generations.
2. The library is working on the digitization of its book collection.
3. The company’s move towards digitization increased efficiency.
4. Digitization has transformed how we access and share information.

Proximity Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Proximity

CONTEXT: the salaried class has no lobby to plead its case unlike the corporate sector which has much more reach and can use its proximity to the levers of power to achieve its goals.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Proximity is like being close to your friends when you play together. It means things or people being near each other, almost like they’re neighbors.

MEANING: Being near or close to something or someone in distance (Noun).

PRONUNCIATION: prok-sim-i-tee

SYNONYMS: closeness, nearness, adjacency, propinquity, vicinity

1. The proximity of the park to their house made it a perfect place for family outings.
2. The proximity of the two stores made shopping convenient for customers.
3. The proximity of the school to their home allowed the children to walk.
4. Living in close proximity to each other, the neighbors became good friends.


WORD-7: Innocuously

CONTEXT: an ‘interim Economic Survey’, innocuously titled “The Indian Economy: A Review”, has presented a survey of post-Independence economic development, with a periodisation that divides those years into the pre- and post-Modi government eras.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Innocuously is like doing something in a way that doesn’t bother anyone. It’s about being harmless and not causing any trouble, like quietly playing with toys without making a mess.

MEANING: Harmlessly or in a way that doesn’t attract attention. (adverb)

PRONUNCIATION: ih-nok-yoo-uhs-lee

SYNONYMS: unobtrusively, harmlessly, quietly, benignly, subtly

1. The cat innocuously napped in the corner of the room.
2. The child innocuously explored the garden without disturbing the plants.
3. His innocuous comment didn’t offend anyone in the group.
4. The book innocuously sat on the shelf, waiting to be discovered.


WORD-8: Peppered

CONTEXT: In language reflective of an electioneering pamphlet, peppered with the Prime Minister’s own assessments of his government’s record, the document concludes that the decade 2014-24 was one of “transformative growth”.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine your favorite pizza covered in tiny, tasty pepper pieces. Peppered means adding lots of little things all over something, like putting colorful stickers all over your notebook.

MEANING: Scattered or sprinkled with small items or occurrences. (adjective)


SYNONYMS: sprinkled, dotted, speckled, studded, flecked

1. The conversation was peppered with laughter and jokes.
2. The night sky was peppered with twinkling stars.
3. Her speech was peppered with interesting anecdotes.
4. The field was peppered with wildflowers in various colors.


WORD-9: Dividends

CONTEXT: The explanation for that hefty increase is that income from dividends and profits is slated to rise from ₹99,913 crore in 2022-23 to ₹1,54,407 crore in 2023-24 (RE).

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Dividends are like special treats you get for being a shareholder in a company. When the company makes a lot of money, they share some of it with you, like getting extra cookies when you share a delicious cake.

MEANING: The money or treats that a company gives to its shareholders from its profits. (noun)

PRONUNCIATION: dih-vi-dends

SYNONYMS: profits, earnings, returns, bonuses, payouts, shares, distributions

1. The shareholders were delighted to receive generous dividends from the successful company.
2. Investing in the right stocks can lead to significant dividends over time.
3. The company’s decision to increase dividends brought joy to its investors.
4. As a shareholder, she eagerly awaited the quarterly announcement of dividends.

Prudence Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Prudence

CONTEXT: she has managed to keep the fiscal deficit, at 5.8% of GDP, marginally below the budgeted level, hoping to please financial markets with her government’s prudence.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Prudence is like being very careful and making wise choices. It’s about thinking before you act, just like when you decide to wear a raincoat if you see clouds in the sky to stay dry.

MEANING: The quality of being careful and thoughtful in actions and decisions (noun).


SYNONYMS: caution, discretion, wisdom, carefulness, judiciousness, foresight, circumspection

1. The driver showed prudence by slowing down in heavy rain to ensure safety.
2. Financial prudence involves making smart choices with money to secure the future.
3. The student’s prudence in time management helped balance study and leisure.
4. Before making a big decision, it’s essential to approach it with prudence and careful consideration.



Vocabulary Today

Title: “Keeping Pace with Words: Embracing ‘Vocabulary Today’

In the dynamically evolving spectrum of language, staying updated with ‘vocabulary today’ is an integral part of mastering a language. These topical, contemporary words breathe vitality into our communication, bridging the gap between language learning and language living. But, how can we effectively learn ‘vocabulary today’?

Grasping ‘vocabulary today’ begins with exposure to contemporary contents. Engaging with current publications, social media platforms, movies, music, podcasts, and digital content can dive you into the real-world usage of ‘vocabulary today’. These platforms imbibe the vocabulary of the day, reflecting the evolution in language.

To consolidate the learning of ‘vocabulary today’, utilize memory-enhancing tools. Flashcards, language learning apps, or memory-enhancement software can make your study session an engaging venture and enhance word retention.

However, the secret sauce to learning ‘vocabulary today’ is practice. Inculcating these words in your regular dialogues, written correspondences, or social media posts will reinforce your grasp over these words. It brings you closer to ‘vocabulary today’, enhancing your language adaptability and fluency.

Better understanding of ‘vocabulary today’ can be achieved by staying connected with diverse social platforms which bring words from across locations and cultures, expanding your linguistic understanding. Also, participating in language forums, discussion groups, or language exchange platforms provides great insights into ‘vocabulary today’.

In the final analysis, staying abreast with ‘vocabulary today’ is an exciting quest that requires consistent exposure, active practice, and social engagement. As you embrace this journey, you will find your language proficiency growing with every new word, enabling you to step into the dynamic world of contemporary language with confidence and mastery. Remember, ‘vocabulary today’ is not static, it flows like a river, always fresh, always changing, and always enriching!

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