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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.


WORD-1: Decrying

CONTEXT: With each side decrying the other as traitors, Mr. Zardari is trying to position himself as a moderate outside the melee.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Decrying is like expressing strong disapproval or saying, “That’s not good!” It’s when you speak out against something you don’t like, such as telling your friend that it’s not fair to take more than one cookie from the jar.

MEANING: Expressing strong disapproval or condemnation of something; speaking out against. (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: dih-krahy-ing

SYNONYMS: condemning, denouncing, criticizing, disapproving, censuring

1. The teacher was decrying the use of phones in the classroom during lessons.
2. The activists gathered to decry the unjust treatment of the marginalized community.
3. The mayor issued a statement decrying the increase in crime in the city.
4. Parents joined together to decry the decision to cut funding for the school’s arts program.

Intervening Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Intervening

CONTEXT: Pakistan is enjoying one of its longest periods without direct Army rule, but analysts say the military has been again intervening in civilian affairs at unprecedented levels in recent years.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Intervening is like stepping in between two friends who are arguing to help them find a solution. It means getting involved in a situation to make things better or to prevent something bad from happening.

MEANING: Getting involved in a situation to alter or improve its course; coming between to help or prevent. (verb/adjective)

PRONUNCIATION: in-ter-veen-ing

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SYNONYMS: interfering, mediating, stepping in, interceding, interrupting

1. The teacher was intervening to stop the playground argument and help the children resolve their differences.
2. The mediator was intervening in the negotiation to facilitate a compromise between the two parties.
3. The police officer was praised for intervening and preventing a potential accident on the road.
4. The counselor was intervening to support the students involved in the conflict.

WORD-3: Reconciliation

CONTEXT: With each side decrying the other as traitors, Mr. Zardari is trying to position himself as a moderate outside the melee — pledging truth and reconciliation, release of political prisoners, and an end to “the politics of vendetta”.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Reconciliation is like making up with a friend after a disagreement. It means coming together again, saying sorry, and being friends once more. Reconciliation is about fixing the hurt feelings and becoming close again.

MEANING:</STRONG The act of restoring friendly relations after a disagreement or conflict

PRONUNCIATION: rek-uh n-suh-lee-ey-shuhn

SYNONYMS: harmony, reunion, settlement, resolution, agreement

1. The family celebrated the holiday season with a spirit of reconciliation, putting aside past differences.
2. The leaders of the two countries engaged in talks aimed at achieving reconciliation after years of tension.
3. The couple sought counseling for reconciliation and strengthening their marriage.
4. The friends hugged each other in a gesture of reconciliation after their argument.


WORD-4: Usurping

CONTEXT: The resolution related to the Lok Sabha elections expressed concern over the worrying trend of successive Union governments usurping the powers of the State ever since five items were moved from the State List to the Concurrent List in the Constitution during the Emergency.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Usurping is like someone taking your favorite toy and playing with it without asking. It means taking over something that doesn’t belong to you, like a sneaky friend who tries to be the captain of your spaceship game.

MEANING: Seizing or taking over something, especially a position of power, without the right to do so. (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: yoo-surp-ing

SYNONYMS: seizing, taking over, appropriating, commandeering, assuming

1. The villain in the story was intent on usurping the throne and becoming the ruler.
2. The employee was fired for attempting to usurp the manager’s responsibilities without permission.
3. The dictator was known for usurping control and suppressing opposition.
4. The ambitious character in the movie had plans of usurping the CEO’s position in the company.

Restraint Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Restraint

CONTEXT: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to show greater restraint in its military operations aimed at rooting out Hamas.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Restraint is like stopping yourself from eating all the cookies in the jar because you know it’s not good for you. It means controlling yourself and not doing something, even if you really want to. It’s like using a superhero power to keep yourself from doing something naughty.

MEANING: The act of holding back or controlling something (noun).


SYNONYMS: self-control, moderation, constraint, discipline, inhibition

1. The athlete showed great restraint in not reacting to the opponent’s provocation during the game.
2. Despite the tempting aroma, she practiced restraint and avoided eating the delicious cake.
3. The teacher commended the students for showing restraint and patience during the challenging test.
4. The leader urged the crowd to exercise restraint and avoid any violent actions during the protest.


WORD-6: Exacerbates

CONTEXT: In the absence of gainful employment opportunities, and the looming job crisis, the continued neglect of the social sector exacerbates the perpetuation of inequalities

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Exacerbates is like adding more spice to your food when it’s already too spicy. It means making something that is already not good even worse. It’s like turning a small problem into a big one by doing something that makes it harder to handle.

MEANING: Making a situation, problem, or feeling more intense, severe, or worse. (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: ig-zas-er-beyts

SYNONYMS: worsens, aggravates, intensifies, amplifies, heightens

1. Ignoring the warning signs only exacerbates the difficulties in solving the problem.
2. The lack of rain exacerbates the challenges faced by farmers in the drought-affected region.
3. Yelling and arguing tend to exacerbate conflicts rather than resolve them peacefully.
4. The delay in the delivery of materials exacerbates the construction project’s timeline.


WORD-7: Tabulated

CONTEXT: According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, which has tabulated arrests and deaths since the coup, at least 4,474 people have been killed by the security forces.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Tabulated is like making a neat list of all your toys or candies, so you know exactly how many you have. It means organizing information into a table or list, like putting all your toys in a row so you can see them easily.

MEANING: Organizing information or data into a table or list for easy reference. (verb/adjective)

PRONUNCIATION: tab-yuh-ley-ted

SYNONYMS: recorded, cataloged, listed, arranged, classified

1. The scientist tabulated the experimental results to analyze the patterns and trends.
2. The student carefully tabulated the survey responses to present the findings in a clear format.
3. The librarian tabulated the books on the shelf, ensuring they were in proper order.
4. The financial analyst tabulated the expenses and income to create a comprehensive report.

Crammed Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Crammed

CONTEXT: the trustworthy” and “victory,” he told followers crammed in a rain-slick park.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Crammed is like stuffing all your toys into a small box because you want to take them all on a trip. It means putting a lot of things into a small space, like squeezing your toys into a backpack for a fun adventure.

MEANING: Stuffed or packed tightly with something; filled to capacity (verb).


SYNONYMS: packed, stuffed, crowded, filled, overloaded

1. The suitcase was so crammed with clothes that it was difficult to close.
2. The students crammed into the small room for a study session before the exam.
3. The refrigerator was crammed with food after a big grocery shopping trip.
4. The commuter train was crammed with passengers during rush hour.

Relegated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-9: Relegated

CONTEXT: Limited support outside their powerbase southern Sindh province also suggests that they are in danger of being relegated to a regional party.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Relegated is like being told to sit at the back of the class because you were a bit naughty. It means being moved to a lower or less important position, like going from being the class president to sitting in the last row.

MEANING: Demoted to a lower rank or position (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: rel-i-gey-ted

SYNONYMS: demoted, downgraded, lowered, transferred, assigned

1. After the mistake, the employee was relegated to a less critical role in the company.
2. The team’s poor performance resulted in being relegated to a lower division.
3. The book, once popular, was relegated to the bottom shelf in the bookstore.
4. The captain was temporarily relegated to the bench due to an injury.


WORD-10: Retrospective

CONTEXT: the interim Budget presented by this government before the 2019 general elections, where the PM-KISAN scheme was announced with retrospective effect, there were no grandiose announcements this time.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Retrospective is like looking at a photo album from last year’s birthday party. It means thinking about or looking back at things that happened in the past, like remembering the fun times you had with friends.

MEANING: Looking back at or relating to the past; considering or reviewing events or situations that have already occurred. (adjective/noun)

PRONUNCIATION: re-troh-spec-tiv

SYNONYMS: reflective, nostalgic, backward-looking, review, analysis

1. The company conducted a retrospective analysis of its performance over the past year.
2. The artist’s retrospective exhibition showcased their artistic journey over the decades.
3. The retiree shared a retrospective look at their career during the farewell party.
4. The professor assigned a retrospective essay on significant historical events for the students.



Vocabulary PDF

Title: “Unwrapping Language Learning: Harnessing the Power of ‘Vocabulary PDF'”

In the digital age, the way we learn languages has transformed dramatically. Among the myriad of resources at our disposal, a ‘vocabulary PDF’ serves as an incredibly effective tool. It offers a structured, accessible and convenient method of enhancing our language skills. To maximize the potential of ‘vocabulary PDF’, it is crucial to understand how to make the most of it.

First off, when venturing through the process of learning with a ‘vocabulary PDF’, maintaining consistent learner engagement is pivotal. This involves regular revision sessions where you consistently go back and refresh your memory about previously learned words. This cyclic process is particularly effective in promoting long-term retention of the vocabulary.

While leveraging a ‘vocabulary PDF’, it’s also beneficial to annotate as you progress. Annotation brings an interactive aspect to your learning, making it dynamic and personalized. Make notes of context, synonyms, antonyms, or even create sentences using the new words. This engagement with the ‘vocabulary PDF’ aids in imbibing the meaning and usage of the words.

Another strategic approach to mastering a ‘vocabulary PDF’ is to utilize a reading aloud technique. Listening to the words as you speak them out loud can stimulate auditory learning, enhancing your pronunciation and comprehension of the vocabulary.

When using a ‘vocabulary PDF’, it is also advantageous to supplement your learning through applications of the new words. Write an essay, engage in a conversation, or post on social media using the new words. This reinforces the acquired vocabulary, augmenting your grasp over them.

In conclusion, a ‘vocabulary PDF’ is a potent instrument that, when harnessed effectively, can significantly bolster your language learning journey. It requires a blend of consistent revision, active annotation, auditory engagement, and practical application. With these strategies in hand, mastering ‘vocabulary PDF’ can be a rewarding and successful experience that fuels your linguistic endeavors.

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