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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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Collegiality Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Collegiality

CONTEXT: The idea of collegiality must require the administration to engage with and consult stakeholders in decision-making.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Collegiality is like when people at school or work are friendly and work really well together. It’s like being part of a team where everyone helps each other, shares ideas, and respects one another.

MEANING: The quality of working well together and sharing responsibilities and respect in a group, especially in a professional setting (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kuh-lee-jee-al-i-tee

SYNONYMS: Teamwork, Cooperation, Collaboration, Unity, Camaraderie, Fellowship, Partnership

1. The collegiality among the team members led to a successful project.
2. She appreciated the collegiality in her new office, as everyone was very supportive.
3. The meeting was marked by a sense of collegiality and mutual respect.
4. Collegiality in the workplace often leads to better productivity and job satisfaction.

Delineate Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Delineate

CONTEXT: As the guideline does not define or delineate what ‘dignified manner’ entails, the provision could be misused to threaten, shun, silence or at least undermine the collective voices of the stakeholders.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Delineate is like drawing a line around something to show where it is or what it looks like. It’s like using a pencil to outline a picture so you know what it’s going to be.

MEANING: To describe or show something in detail; to outline (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: dih-lin-ee-ate

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SYNONYMS: Outline, Describe, Define, Depict, Sketch, Trace, Detail

1. The artist delineated the landscape with great precision.
2. The teacher asked the students to delineate the main ideas of the chapter.
3. The boundaries of the new park were clearly delineated on the map.
4. It’s important to delineate your goals clearly when planning a project.


WORD-3: Slightest

CONTEXT: Associations and unions of teachers, staff and students have often been banned and suspended on the slightest pretext.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Slightest means something that is very, very small or not important. Like when you barely touch something, that’s using the slightest touch.

MEANING: Very small in degree; minimal (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Minimal, Tiny, Barely noticeable, Negligible, Faint, Minor, Trivial

1. She didn’t show the slightest interest in the movie.
2. There wasn’t the slightest breeze on that hot summer day.
3. He didn’t have the slightest idea about how to solve the problem.
4. The slightest mistake could ruin the whole experiment.


WORD-4: Embedded

CONTEXT: From January 1, 2026, the CBAM will enter the definitive phase wherein, upon declaration of the emissions embedded in imports, the importers will be required to surrender annually the corresponding number of CBAM certificates.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Embedded means something is stuck or set firmly inside something else. Like when you put a sticker on a notebook, it’s embedded on the cover.

MEANING: Set firmly and deeply within something else (verb, adjective).


SYNONYMS: Fixed, Inserted, Planted, Ingrained, Entrenched, Encased, Buried

1. The journalist was embedded with the military troops to report on the conflict.
2. The thorn was deeply embedded in his foot.
3. Embedded systems are an important part of modern electronics.
4. Traditions are deeply embedded in our culture.

Incentivising Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Incentivising

CONTEXT: This is proposed to combat climate change by incentivising actions for emission reductions leading to increased investments in clean energy by the private sector.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Incentivising is like giving someone a reward to encourage them to do something. Like getting a star sticker when you do your homework.

MEANING: Providing a motive or reason to do something, usually through rewards or benefits (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: in-sen-ti-vyz-ing

SYNONYMS: Motivating, Encouraging, Stimulating, Promoting, Spurring, Provoking, Inducing

1. The company is incentivising employees to stay healthy by offering gym memberships.
2. Incentivising kids to read can foster a lifelong love for books.
3. Governments often use tax breaks as a way of incentivising investment.
4. The new policy is aimed at incentivising renewable energy use.


WORD-6: Cognisance

CONTEXT: The EU has failed to take cognisance of the other factors that might dictate the shift of production by EU industries outside the EU.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Cognisance is like really knowing or understanding something. It’s when you see something and understand what it means.

MEANING: Awareness or knowledge of something (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kog-ni-zans

SYNONYMS: Awareness, Knowledge, Recognition, Understanding, Perception, Acknowledgement, Consciousness

1. The manager took cognisance of the employee’s hard work.
2. It’s important to have cognisance of the laws in your country.
3. She showed great cognisance of the complexities of the situation.
4. Environmental cognisance is essential in today’s world.


WORD-7: Penetration

CONTEXT: While caste discrimination against Dalit Hindus continues to cause outrage in Tamil Nadu, the deep penetration of caste in Christianity has also become a point of concern.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Penetration is like when something goes through or into something else. Like when you push a straw into a juice box.

MEANING: The action of going into or through something; the ability to make a way into or through something (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: pen-e-tray-shun

SYNONYMS: Permeation, Infiltration, Puncture, Entry, Invasion, Piercing, Incursion

1. The company’s penetration into the Asian market was very successful.
2. The nail’s penetration through the wood was smooth.
3. High penetration rate of smartphones has changed the way we communicate.
4. The study focused on the penetration of light through different materials.

Acclaimed Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Acclaimed

CONTEXT: The acclaimed autobiographical work, Karukku, explored Dalit Christian author Bama’s disillusionment with caste oppression within the church and its institutions.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Acclaimed means that a lot of people really like something and say it’s very good. Like when a movie gets a lot of good reviews and everyone says it’s great.

MEANING: Praised enthusiastically and publicly (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Celebrated, Praised, Renowned, Admired, Esteemed, Honored, Applauded

1. The acclaimed author released her new novel to much anticipation.
2. The film was critically acclaimed and won several awards.
3. He is an acclaimed expert in his field of study.
4. The restaurant’s acclaimed chef was known for his innovative dishes.

Eradication Picture Vocabulary

WORD-9: Eradication

CONTEXT: The Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication Front had contended that the practice of caste can be found in the formation of parishes, the denial to Dalit Christians to participate in the administration of the parish, and the construction of separate chapels in the same village for Dalits and other caste Christians.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Eradication is like completely getting rid of something. Like when you clean your room and make sure there’s no dust left anywhere.

MEANING: The complete destruction or removal of something (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: e-rad-i-kay-shun

SYNONYMS: Elimination, Removal, Extermination, Destruction, Annihilation, Wiping out, Obliteration

1. The eradication of diseases like smallpox is a significant achievement.
2. Efforts are being made for the eradication of poverty in the region.
3. The government launched a campaign for the eradication of illiteracy.
4. Invasive species often require eradication to protect native ecosystems.


WORD-10: Abridged

CONTEXT: Citizens need to be aware of the grave dangers in the growing fad for a ‘shortcut’ or an ‘abridged’ rule of law model

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Abridged means something is made shorter, like a story or a book. It’s like telling a long story but only the important parts.

MEANING: Shortened by using fewer words but still keeping the main points (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Condensed, Shortened, Summarized, Compressed, Reduced, Truncated, Cut down

1. The abridged version of the novel is easier for students to read.
2. He read an abridged article on the topic.
3. The abridged history book covered the main events.
4. She prefers listening to abridged audiobooks due to her busy schedule.



Vocabulary Meaning and Examples

Title: “Diving Beyond Definitions: Exploring ‘Vocabulary Meaning and Examples'”

In the fascinating world of language learning, a method particularly impactful is learning ‘vocabulary meaning and examples’. Harnessing this dual approach of understanding words through definitions and relevant examples yields a sound vocabulary grasp. Let’s explore how we can effectively learn vocabulary using ‘meaning and examples’.

Foremost, recognizing ‘meaning and examples’ involves more than just a surface glance at the definition. It requires an engaged interaction with the word, placing it within a proper context. This enriches comprehension and facilitates an innate understanding of the word’s applications.

The process of learning ‘meaning and examples’ is made highly effective through varied resources. Reading literature, online articles, and language learning platforms offer numerous examples enriching the meanings. By frequently encountering a word in various contexts, the understanding of the ‘meaning and examples’ deepens, imprinting the word into long-term memory.

When learning ‘meaning and examples’, creating personal sentences is recommended. Develop your own examples using the given word. This personal connection between learned vocabulary and your everyday life context strengthens both familiarity and recall.

Moreover, taking notes while studying ‘meaning and examples’ goes a long way in mastering vocabulary. Jotting down the definition and a couple of examples for reference leads to better recall during revisions.

Finally, teach to learn. A tried-and-true method to solidify ‘meaning and examples’ is by explaining the word to someone else. This exercise forces you to articulate the word’s usage and understanding clearly, embedding it further in your memory.

In conclusion, the journey to learn ‘vocabulary meaning and examples’ is a rewarding process that involves a multifaceted approach. As you dive into the rich experience of understanding words through ‘meaning and examples’, you uncover the nuance and depth of language, enabling you to master it in its true sense.

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