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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.


WORD-1: Bandwagoning

CONTEXT: South Asia’s smaller powers, India’s neighbours, are engaged in a range of strategies: balancing, bargaining, hedging and bandwagoning. India’s smaller neighbours seem to find China as a useful hedge against India, for the moment at least.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Bandwagoning is when people start doing something because everyone else is doing it, even if they didn’t like it before. It’s like when you decide to play a game just because all your friends are playing it.

MEANING: Joining others in doing something because it is fashionable or successful (verb).


SYNONYMS: Following, copying, imitating, conforming, joining.


1. Many people are bandwagoning the new fashion trend.

2. He accused the politicians of bandwagoning for votes.

3. Bandwagoning fans only support the team when it is winning.

4. The popularity of the diet led to many bandwagoning without understanding it.

Obsolescence Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Obsolescence

CONTEXT: The growing obsolescence of South Asia as a geopolitical construct adds to India’s diminishing hold on the region.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Obsolescence means something is becoming outdated or not used anymore because there are newer and better things. It’s like when nobody uses old flip phones much because there are smarter phones now.

MEANING: The process of becoming outdated or no longer used (noun).


SYNONYMS: Outdating, extinction, disuse, decay, redundancy.


1. The rapid obsolescence of technology challenges manufacturers.

2. Many software programs face obsolescence within a few years.

3. He studies the obsolescence of language in modern texts.

4. Companies often plan for product obsolescence to boost new sales.

WORD-3: Proactive

CONTEXT: New Delhi must revisit some of its traditional conceptions of the region, ‘modernise’ its primacy in South Asia, and take proactive and imaginative policy steps to meet the China challenge in the region.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Being proactive means you think ahead and take steps to prevent problems before they happen. It’s like packing an umbrella for school when you know it might rain later.

MEANING: Taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens.


SYNONYMS: Anticipatory, preventative, preventive, forward-thinking, initiative-taking.


1. She took a proactive role in improving her health.

2. A proactive approach can prevent issues before they arise.

3. The teacher was proactive in addressing bullying in her classroom.

4. Companies are encouraged to be proactive rather than reactive.

Periphery Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Periphery

CONTEXT: It is a legitimate question to ask whether a country that is unable to maintain primacy in its periphery will be able to be a pivotal power in international politics.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Periphery is the outer edge of a place or area. It’s like being at the very edge of a playground where you can see everything inside it.

MEANING: The outer boundary or edge of an area or object (noun).


SYNONYMS: Edge, boundary, border, outskirts, margin.


1. He lives on the periphery of the city.

2. The small villages lie on the periphery of the forest.

3. They were only involved in the periphery of the project.

4. She felt she was always on the periphery of the social groups.


WORD-5: Empanelled

CONTEXT: PM-JAY has issued 34.27 crore cards. About 6.5 crore have received treatment and there are over 30,000 empanelled hospitals.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Empanelled means to select people to serve on a jury or a committee. It’s like picking teammates for a game where everyone has a special role to play.

MEANING: Selected and enrolled, usually in the context of a jury (verb).


SYNONYMS: Enlisted, selected, convened, assembled, drafted.


1. The new jury was empanelled for the high-profile case.

2. They were empanelled to review the proposals.

3. An expert committee was empanelled to investigate the issue.

4. Empanelled members took their seats in the conference room.


WORD-6: Underutilised

CONTEXT: Its primary care is underutilised and there is enormous waste and inefficiency.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Underutilised means not using something as much as it could be used. It’s like having a big box of crayons but only coloring with one or two.

MEANING: Not used to its full potential (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: un-der-YOO-tuh-lyzed

SYNONYMS: Underused, underemployed, underexploited, underworked, neglected.


1. The equipment in the gym is largely underutilised.

2. The land is underutilised and could be developed.

3. Resources in the department are underutilised.

4. He felt underutilised in his job and sought more responsibilities.


WORD-7: Misallocation

CONTEXT: I worry that if schemes are layered on top of a hospital-centric design, it exacerbates misallocation of government resources.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Misallocation means not putting things where they should go or not using resources in the best way. It’s like if you used a pot instead of a vase to keep your flowers.

MEANING: Incorrect allocation or distribution of resources (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: mis-al-oh-KAY-shun

SYNONYMS: Misuse, misappropriation, mismanagement, squandering, misapplication.


1. Misallocation of funds led to the project’s failure.

2. The audit revealed a significant misallocation of resources.

3. Economic inefficiencies often stem from misallocation.

4. He was accused of misallocation of the company’s assets.

Empanellment Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Empanellment

CONTEXT: In Uttar Pradesh, for instance, 39% have been inactive since empanellment, and only 50% have been active in the last six months.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Empanelment means the process of putting together a group of people, like a jury or committee, to make decisions or give advice. It’s like forming a team for a special school project.

MEANING: The process of selecting people to serve on a jury or a committee (noun).


SYNONYMS: Enrollment, selection, convening, assembly, drafting.


1. The empanelment of a new jury was scheduled for Monday.

2. She was involved in the empanelment process for the advisory board.

3. The empanelment of experts will help guide the new policy.

4. Legal guidelines govern the empanelment of juries.


WORD-9: Foreseeable

CONTEXT: The private sector is unlikely to go to Bastar and build a hospital. It would have to be led by the public sector for the foreseeable future.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Foreseeable means something that can be predicted or expected to happen in the future. It’s like knowing that after winter, spring will definitely come.

MEANING: Able to be foreseen or predicted (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Predictable, expected, anticipated, likely, probable.


1. No changes are expected in the foreseeable future.

2. The project faces foreseeable challenges.

3. The solution is not foreseeable at this moment.

4. They planned for all foreseeable outcomes.

Indemnity Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Indemnity

CONTEXT: It wouldn’t be in the way you’re thinking about insurance perhaps, which is indemnity: I file a claim, I get refunded. Those approaches are a pathway to bad outcomes.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Indemnity is when you are protected against losing money or being harmed by something. It’s like when you have a safety net to catch you if you fall.

MEANING: Security or protection against a loss or other financial burden (noun).


SYNONYMS: Insurance, protection, security, safeguard, coverage.


1. The insurance policy provided indemnity against flooding.

2. They signed an indemnity agreement before starting the construction.

3. The company demanded full indemnity for any losses incurred.

4. He was granted indemnity from prosecution.



Vocabulary Words

Title: “A Dynamic Approach to Mastering ‘Vocabulary Words'”

When delving into the dynamic world of languages, the grandeur of ‘vocabulary words’ is all-encompassing. The importance of ‘vocabulary words’ in effective communication cannot be overstated; it’s these words that form the backdrop of any language, painting intricate pictures of thoughts and ideas.

Starting on the journey of learning ‘vocabulary words’, one should steer clear from rote memorization. The traditional structure of merely repeating words lacks the necessary context and application that actually embeds these words into your memory. To truly master the ‘vocabulary words’, one needs an integrated, immersive approach.

The first step towards mastering ‘vocabulary words’ is to engage with varied language mediums. Expanding beyond textbooks to read fiction, articles, blogs, and other forms of content not only diversifies your vocabulary but also acts as a mirror to reflect the practical application of these words. Essentially, you’re exposed to the words as they are commonly used, allowing you to truly understand their essence.

Empowering this journey, tech tools like language learning apps and memory-enhancing flashcards significantly aid in learning ‘vocabulary words’. These interactive tools provide a more engaging learning experience and hone word retention. Mnemonic devices, associating words with a unique story or visual image, enrich the process and make memory recall more efficient.

Practicing ‘vocabulary words’ by using them in day-to-day conversations exemplifies learning by doing. It also strengthens the neural pathways and improves overall word recall. This, coupled with regular revisions, ensures your grasp over ‘vocabulary words’ remains strong.

In conclusion, learning ‘vocabulary words’ is not just about adding words to your linguistic cupboard, but understanding their essence and utilizing them effectively. An inclusive approach to learning that combines diverse reading materials, technology tools, mnemonic devices and practice can really propel your mastery over ‘vocabulary words’. Remember, language is the bloodline of communication, and ‘vocabulary words’ are its heartbeat. ‘

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