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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Reminiscent Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Reminiscent

CONTEXT: This language — and India is not the only proponent — is reminiscent of the principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’ enshrined in climate talks.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you smell cookies and think of the times you baked with your grandma, that feeling is called “reminiscent.” It’s like your mind is giving you a little movie about past fun times when you smell or see something special.

MEANING: Tending to remind one of something; suggestive of something (adjective).


SYNONYMS: evocative, suggestive, remindful, reminiscential, reminiscent of, redolent

1. The music was reminiscent of her childhood days.
2. He told stories reminiscent of his adventures in the army.
3. The style of the building is reminiscent of the Victorian era.
4. Her perfume was reminiscent of the flowers in spring.

WORD-2: Palliative

CONTEXT: the remaining cases, such artificial support measures were withheld or withdrawn and replaced by palliative care to permit death with some dignity.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you fall and scrape your knee, and your mom puts a band-aid and some cream to make it feel better, that’s “palliative.” It means something that helps make the hurt less without making the scrape go away completely.

MEANING: Reli eving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition.


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SYNONYMS: soothing, alleviating, relieving, calming, comforting

1. The doctor prescribed a palliative care to ease his symptoms.
2. Palliative treatments are common in chronic illnesses.
3. She found his words to be quite palliative during her stressful times.
4. The new policy acts as a palliative measure against economic downturns.


WORD-3: Obscure

CONTEXT: this document gathers dust in obscure corners of medical college libraries, with practice across ICUs in India being vastly different.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about when you play hide and seek and find a spot where no one can see you. Being in that hidden spot is like being “obscure.” It means not many people know about it or can see it.

MEANING: Not clear or hard to understand; not well known (adjective).


SYNONYMS: unclear, hidden, vague, mysterious, cryptic

1. The path through the forest was obscure and hard to follow.
2. He is an artist known only in obscure circles.
3. The instructions were written in an obscure manner.
4. The origins of the ritual are obscure and not well documented.

Routinisation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Routinisation

CONTEXT: This practice of routinisation of intensive care deaths is barely a quarter of a century old. Before that, ICUs were for people with salvageable health issues.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you do the same thing every day, like brushing your teeth or going to bed at the same time, that’s called “routinisation.” It’s when something becomes a normal part of your day.

MEANING: The process of making an activity regular or habitual (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: roo-teen-eye-ZAY-shun

SYNONYMS: standardization, systematization, normalization, regimentation, methodization

1. The routinisation of the morning meetings helped improve productivity.
2. Through routinisation, the complex process became much simpler.
3. The teacher emphasized the importance of routinisation in homework submission.
4. The company’s success was due to the routinisation of its operations.


WORD-5: Salvageable

CONTEXT: Before that, ICUs were for people with salvageable health issues. Now, a good chunk of the society seems to have come to accept ICU deaths as normal. The nuclearisation of families could be a reason as death is no longer familiar to the average person.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you build a sandcastle and the wave knocks some of it down, but you can still fix it. If it’s “salvageable,” that means you can save some of it and make it good again.

MEANING: Capable of being saved or recovered (adjective).


SYNONYMS: recoverable, redeemable, rescuable, restorable, retrievable

1. After the flood, some of the furniture was still salvageable.
2. The project was behind schedule but still salvageable.
3. They managed to retrieve some salvageable items from the wreck.
4. Despite the damage, the data on the hard drive was salvageable.

Gazetted Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Gazetted

CONTEXT: It would be good to protect ourselves by preparing a living will, getting it witnessed and countersigned by a gazetted officer, and discussing the matter with the immediate family.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something important happens and it’s written down in a special government book or newspaper so everyone knows it’s official, that’s being “gazetted.” It’s like when you get a star sticker at school for doing great work, and the teacher puts your name on the wall.

MEANING: Published in an official journal or government record (verb).


SYNONYMS: published, recorded, listed, announced, proclaimed

1. The new law was gazetted last Thursday.
2. His promotion was gazetted, making it official.
3. The conservation area was gazetted to protect local wildlife.
4. The historical site was recently gazetted by the government.

Coexisted Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Coexisted

CONTEXT: Hindi has peacefully coexisted with Gujarati in Gujarat

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you play nicely with your friend, not fighting over toys and having fun together, you are “coexisting.” It means being together in the same place peacefully.

MEANING: Existed together peacefully (verb).


SYNONYMS: lived together, existed together, been together, cohabited, coincided

1. The two communities have coexisted peacefully for many years.
2. Different animal species coexisted in the forest.
3. The old and new buildings coexisted in a harmonious landscape.
4. Ideas from various cultures coexisted within the festival.


WORD-8: Penetration

CONTEXT: This is because first, as a political observer said, Hindi is mostly understood in the State, even by those in rural areas, thanks to the penetration of Bollywood movies and Hindi television serials.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine using a straw to drink a juice box. The straw goes into the juice box, which is like “penetration.” It means going into something.

MEANING: The act of entering or piercing through something (noun).


SYNONYMS: permeation, infiltration, piercing, entry, invasion

1. The company aimed to increase its market penetration.
2. The bullet’s penetration was deep enough to reach the vital organs.
3. Waterproof clothing prevents the penetration of water.
4. The study examined the penetration of new technology in rural areas.


WORD-9: Freebie

CONTEXT: Property of the elite being bequeathed to descendants implies that the descendants do no work to acquire it. There is no economic reason for it to be a freebie for them.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you go to a party and get a balloon to take home without having to trade anything for it, that balloon is a “freebie.” It means something you get for free, without paying.

MEANING: Something that is given for free (noun).


SYNONYMS: giveaway, handout, free gift, complimentary item, free sample

1. They were handing out freebies at the store’s grand opening.
2. He collected several freebies at the fair.
3. The freebie included a t-shirt and a cap.
4. Everyone who attended the event received a freebie.


WORD-10: Bequeathed

CONTEXT: Property of the elite being bequeathed to descendants implies that the descendants do no work to acquire it. There is no economic reason for it to be a freebie for them.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if your grandma gave you her favorite book to keep forever when she’s not around anymore. That act of giving you her book is called “bequeathing.” It means leaving something to someone else in a will.

MEANING: Left to someone as part of a will (verb).


SYNONYMS: handed down, left, endowed, given, passed on

1. Her grandmother bequeathed her the family jewelry.
2. He bequeathed his entire estate to his children.
3. The painting was bequeathed to the museum.
4. They were surprised to find that the house had been bequeathed to them.



Vocabulary Words

Title: “A Dynamic Approach to Mastering ‘Vocabulary Words'”

When delving into the dynamic world of languages, the grandeur of ‘vocabulary words’ is all-encompassing. The importance of ‘vocabulary words’ in effective communication cannot be overstated; it’s these words that form the backdrop of any language, painting intricate pictures of thoughts and ideas.

Starting on the journey of learning ‘vocabulary words’, one should steer clear from rote memorization. The traditional structure of merely repeating words lacks the necessary context and application that actually embeds these words into your memory. To truly master the ‘vocabulary words’, one needs an integrated, immersive approach.

The first step towards mastering ‘vocabulary words’ is to engage with varied language mediums. Expanding beyond textbooks to read fiction, articles, blogs, and other forms of content not only diversifies your vocabulary but also acts as a mirror to reflect the practical application of these words. Essentially, you’re exposed to the words as they are commonly used, allowing you to truly understand their essence.

Empowering this journey, tech tools like language learning apps and memory-enhancing flashcards significantly aid in learning ‘vocabulary words’. These interactive tools provide a more engaging learning experience and hone word retention. Mnemonic devices, associating words with a unique story or visual image, enrich the process and make memory recall more efficient.

Practicing ‘vocabulary words’ by using them in day-to-day conversations exemplifies learning by doing. It also strengthens the neural pathways and improves overall word recall. This, coupled with regular revisions, ensures your grasp over ‘vocabulary words’ remains strong.

In conclusion, learning ‘vocabulary words’ is not just about adding words to your linguistic cupboard, but understanding their essence and utilizing them effectively. An inclusive approach to learning that combines diverse reading materials, technology tools, mnemonic devices and practice can really propel your mastery over ‘vocabulary words’. Remember, language is the bloodline of communication, and ‘vocabulary words’ are its heartbeat. ‘

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