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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.


WORD-1: Frivolous

CONTEXT: the Supreme Court has entertained frivolous public interest litigations, such as demands that passages be deleted from the Quran

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Frivolous is when you do something just for fun, and it’s not really important or serious. It’s like when you play with bubbles just because it’s fun, not because you have to.

MEANING: Not having any serious purpose or value, often in a playful or silly way (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: friv-o-lous

SYNONYMS: Trivial, Silly, Petty, Insignificant, Superficial, Flippant- Usage Examples:
1. The teacher dismissed his question as frivolous.
2. They spent the day engaging in frivolous activities.
3. The lawsuit was considered frivolous and dismissed.
4. He made a frivolous purchase he later regretted.

Appellate Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Appellate

CONTEXT: It recommended six judges from each region at four regional benches take up appellate responsibility, with a Constitution Bench in New Delhi working on a regular basis.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Appellate is a word that’s used for courts that make decisions on whether a lower court’s decision was right or wrong. It’s like when a teacher checks your answers to see if you did your work right.

MEANING: Relating to the process of appealing to a higher court for a decision to be reversed or reevaluated (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: ap-pel-late

SYNONYMS: Judicial, Legal, Reviewing, Adjudicating, Revisory, Tribunal

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1. The case was taken to an appellate court.
2. Appellate judges reviewed the decision.
3. The appellate process can be lengthy.
4. Their appeal was successful in appellate court.

Infringed Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Infringed

CONTEXT: Any person can immediately petition the Supreme Court if they consider their basic rights have been infringed.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Infringed means you did something that broke the rules or didn’t respect someone’s rights. It’s like playing a game and not following the rules.

MEANING: Actively broken the terms of a law, agreement, or right (verb).


SYNONYMS: Violated, Breached, Trespassed, Encroached, Transgressed, Disrupted

1. He infringed on their copyright.
2. The company was sued for having infringed the patent.
3. Their actions infringed upon my rights.
4. The court ruled that the law infringed the Constitution.

Brokering Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Brokering

CONTEXT: the president of this year’s conference Sultan Al Jaber (who is directly responsible for brokering agreements between countries for solving the climate crisis.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Brokering is like being the middle person who helps two sides agree on something. It’s like helping two friends decide what game to play together.

MEANING: Acting as an intermediary or negotiator between two parties, typically to arrange a deal or agreement (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: brok-er-ing

SYNONYMS: Negotiating, Mediating, Arranging, Facilitating, Dealing, Intermediating

1. She was brokering a deal between the two companies.
2. His skill in brokering agreements was well-known.
3. The agency was involved in brokering peace talks.
4. Brokering the sale of the property took months.

Wreaked Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Wreaked

CONTEXT: This year has brought events such as floods and cyclones that have wreaked havoc on every continent and devastated millions of lives.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Wreaked is like causing something really bad or damaging to happen. It’s like accidentally knocking over a paint can and getting paint everywhere.

MEANING: Caused a large amount of harm or damage (verb).


SYNONYMS: Inflicted, Caused, Unleashed, Brought about, Engendered, Provoked

1. The storm wreaked havoc on the coast.
2. His anger wreaked destruction in the room.
3. The computer virus wreaked chaos in the network.
4. Misinformation wreaked confusion among people.


WORD-6: Curbing

CONTEXT: This is because even though the global community has set milestones and goals for curbing greenhouse gas emissions there is currently no similar acceptable global standard for countries helping people.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Curbing is like trying to stop or control something. It’s like when you try to slow down your bike so you don’t go too fast.

MEANING: Restraining or keeping something under control (verb).


SYNONYMS: Restraining, Controlling, Limiting, Reducing, Checking, Suppressing

1. They implemented measures for curbing pollution.
2. Curbing his temper was difficult.
3. The new law aimed at curbing illegal activities.
4. Efforts were made to curb the spread of the disease.

Acquisition Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Acquisition

CONTEXT: the Madras High Court verdict quashing the land acquisition for the Chennai-Salem expressway project.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Acquisition means getting something new, like a new toy or a new skill. It’s like when you learn how to ride a bike or get a new book.

MEANING: The act of gaining possession of something, particularly property or knowledge (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ac-qui-si-tion
SYNONYMS: Purchase, Gaining, Procurement, Attainment, Obtaining, Securing
1. The museum’s latest acquisition is a rare painting.
2. The acquisition of new skills is essential for your career.
3. The company announced the acquisition of a smaller firm.
4. Language acquisition is a key part of child development.


WORD-8: Compensated

CONTEXT: their land for the project would be compensated with an amount above the current market value.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Compensated means getting something, like money or help, in return for something you’ve lost or for a problem you’ve had. It’s like getting a band-aid when you get a scrape.

MEANING: Given something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or damage suffered (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: com-pen-sa-ted

SYNONYMS: Reimbursed, Paid, Remunerated, Repaid, Recompensed, Indemnified

1. She was compensated for her work.
2. Victims were compensated for their losses.
3. The company compensated employees for the extra hours.
4. He was compensated for the damage to his car.


WORD-9: Prosperity

CONTEXT: there is prosperity in the rural part, they were able to contribute, share and capital for various industries.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Prosperity means having a lot of good things, like happiness, money, or health. It’s like when everything is going really well for someone.

MEANING: The state of being successful, usually by making a lot of money or being very lucky (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: pros-per-i-ty

SYNONYMS: Wealth, Success, Affluence, Richness, Well-being, Flourishing

1. The country enjoyed a period of prosperity.
2. They wished her prosperity in her new job.
3. Economic reforms led to greater prosperity.
4. His business thrived, bringing him prosperity.


WORD-10: Regretting

CONTEXT: Regretting that the two five-year plans had not placed adequate thrust on agriculture, Annadurai in an interview to All India Radio (AIR) pointed out that America had first developed their agriculture and through it raised the prosperity of the rural parts.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Regretting is feeling sorry about something you did or didn’t do. It’s like when you wish you hadn’t eaten the last cookie because your friend wanted it.

MEANING: Feeling sad or sorry about something that one has done or failed to do (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: re-gret-ting

SYNONYMS: Remorseful, Repentant, Apologetic, Rueful, Sorrowful, Ashamed

1. She was regretting her decision.
2. He found himself regretting not speaking up.
3. They spent years regretting their missed opportunities.
4. After the argument, she was regretting her harsh words.



vocabulary correction

Title: “Mastering the Art of Vocabulary Correction: Unleash Linguistic Excellence”

Vocabulary correction plays a critical role in enhancing the eloquence of our verbal and written communication. It is necessary to conquer the nuances of a language and get the message across clearly.

Learning vocabulary correction shouldn’t come across as a daunting task laden with an overbearing list of complicated words. In fact, it’s a lifelong journey that evolves continuously with constant learning and usage. So, how exactly does one embark on this journey of vocabulary correction?

Initially, it’s essential to read extensively. Make books, newspapers, blogs and scholarly articles your best friends. They are the potential wellsprings of words waiting to enrich your vocabulary. As you come across unfamiliar words or phrases, have a dictionary and thesaurus handy to comprehend their meanings and usage.

Next, regularly engaging in vocabulary games and quizzes is a fun method of vocabulary correction that shouldn’t be understated. Not only does it expand your knowledge, but it also tests your current vocabulary prowess. Word puzzles, crosswords, and language learning mobile applications offer great platforms for this.

Writing is another powerful tool for effective vocabulary correction. Jotting down thoughts, ideas, or chronicling day-to-day experiences helps us weave words together, enhancing our vocabulary use. You look for the right words to express yourself, and in the process, you learn the correct usage of previously unfamiliar words.

No course of vocabulary correction is complete without active conversation. Engaging in meaningful dialogues introduces us to different styles and manners of speech. We pick up new words and expressions that we may not stumble upon during solitary reading or writing.

Lastly, vocabulary correction involves continuous practice and diligence. Language learning is not a one-and-done deal. It’s a consistent task of engaging, experimenting, and adapting. Remember, vocabulary correction can be monumentally effective education; make sure you learnt it the right way.

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