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1. Bootstrap
• Get into or out of a situation using existing resources.
Usage: The Company is bootstrapping itself out of a marred financial past.
• Bootstrapping is a term used in business to refer to the process of using only existing resources, such as personal savings, personal computing equipment, and garage space, to start and grow a company.

2. Ramshackle
• Especially of a house or vehicle in a state of severe disrepair.
Usage: One of these buildings was the Boxton Creek Home for Children, a ramshackle house that tilted toward the train tracks and hills beyond.

3. Embitter
• Make someone feel bitter or resentful.
Usage: Tao alleged in court that the false charges were fabricated by an embittered colleague who accused him of stealing her work.

4. Blow the conch shell
• It is blown to declare the victory of good over evil. In the Mahabharata, Krishna used to blow the conch shell to announce the beginning and closure of battle.
• The vibrations it produces purify the air and is believed to destroy the disease-causing germs in the atmosphere. When the Conch is blown, energy is emitted from it, which reduces the strength of distressing frequencies.

5. Munificent
• Characterized by or displaying great generosity.
Usage: In his munificent spirit of liberality and generosity, he sought to provide for his unfortunate friend and his dependant family.

6. Evanescent
• Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence. Quickly fading or disappearing.
Usage: Certainly it made for a beguiling evening, though so light as to be evanescent, like a soap bubble.

7. Sinophone
• Sinophone is a neologism that fundamentally means “Chinese-speaking”, typically referring to a person who speaks at least one variety of Chinese.
Usage: By placing Sinophone cultures at the crossroads of multiple empires, this anthology richly demonstrates the transformative power of multiculturalism and multilingualism.

8. Blow the lid off
• To expose to public view, especially to reveal something scandalous, illegal.
Usage: The New York Times blew the lid off the story.

9. Lacunae
• An unfilled space or a gap.
Usage: The journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies.

10. Intransigent
• Unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
Usage: Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent.

11. Silver bullet
• A magical solution to a complicated problem.
Usage: There is no ‘silver bullet’ that can prevent economic slowdown.

12. Adventurism
• The willingness to take risks in business or politics; actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially hazardous.
Usage: The country was falling apart, and elites turned a blind eye, distracting themselves with adventurism abroad and identity politics at home.

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