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mnemonic for fabricateMnemonic Aid to Learn Fabricate:

A simple breakdown:
Fabricate: I ate fabric!

Well, agreed that you were hungry and you ate even fabric, but what kind of fabric was this?

Well, this was the fabric of truth, the one when consumed, leaves us only with lies on the place.
Now you where you were being led to. Fabricate means to make up something artificial or untrue.

Meaning of Fabricate:

1. To make; create.
2. To construct by combining or assembling diverse, typically standardized parts: fabricate small boats.
3. To concoct in order to deceive:

Pronunciation: fab-ri-keyt

Sentence Examples for Fabricate:

1. People are in habit of fabricating stories in order to hide the truth.
2. One has got to be careful when lying, you don’t want to fabricate a story that would lead you to greater trouble.
3. Fabrication of half-truths is a dangerous game we should all avoid.
4. Tracy’s father fabricated the best possible tree-house for her.

P.s: In the last sentence, we exhibit a different meaning of fabricate, which means ‘to make or create’. When used negatively, this word equates to fabricating something which is lie or is untrue.

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