
Word Root: Flect

Word Roots Explained 03
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Definition & Meaning: Flect Word Root

The root word Flect comes from Latin, and means ‘bend’. This root is fundamental in a variety of English words, all of which involve the concept of bending or flexing.For instance, let’s see a few words:
  • Deflect: To bend course because of hitting something.
  • Inflection: A bending in the voice’s tone or pitch.
  • Flexible: Easily bending.

Words Based on the Flect Word Root

Commonly Used Words based on the Flect Word Root:

  • Flex: To bend; as, to flex the arm.
  • Flexible: Able to bend.
  • Flexibility: Quality of being able to bend.
  • Deflect: Bend away; as, deflect the missile from its target.
  • Inflection: The rise and fall of the voice, as in the inflection of his voice.
  • Reflect: Turn back and forth in the mind; as, to reflect on an idea.
  • Reflection: An image thrown back; as in a reflection in a mirror.
  • Reflective: Thoughtful.
  • Reflector: That which reflects light.

Archaic Words based on the Flect Word Root:

  • Flection: The act of bending.
  • Flexor: A muscle which serves to bend a limb.
  • Genuflection: The bending of the knee.
  • Flexuose: Relaxed; adaptable; not rigid.
  • Flexuous: Having many bends or turns.
  • Circumflexion: A bending around and around.

Technical Words/Jargon based on the Flect Word Root:

  • Reflexive: Bent back on itself; as in a reflexive pronoun.

Related Word Roots

1. Flex

Meaning: To bend.

  • Flexibility: The quality of being able to bend.
  • Inflection: The modulation of intonation or pitch in the voice.
  • Reflection: The throwing back of light or heat by a body or surface.

2. Angl

Meaning: To bend or curve.

  • Angle: The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  • Angulation: The action or process of making or becoming angular.
  • Rectangular: Having the shape of a rectangle, a figure with four straight sides and four right angles.

3. Stroph

Meaning: To turn.

  • Catastrophe: An event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
  • Apostrophe: A punctuation mark (’) used to indicate either possession or the omission of letters or numbers.
  • Strophic: Pertaining to or consisting of strophes; especially in poetry.

We hope this article on the root word ‘Flect’ has been helpful to you in understanding and remembering the words based on this root. Keep learning, keep growing!

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