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IBPS reasoning questions: IBPS reasoning questions that you should definitely solve for exams

IBPS reasoning questions are the backbone of noteworthy preparation. Start well in advance with theory so that you have sufficient time for test taking. Beginning test taking just near the exams can increase the performance pressure and affect your score. This is because there is little time left in hand for review and correction. Solving IBPS reasoning questions will precisely reflect the output of your efforts and will effectively signal you whether you are on the path for preparation. It is very important to identify whether your efforts are fetching you marks so that you can make modifications in your preparation strategy at an earlier stage.

Directions for the question set:
Answer the questions based on the following information.
Five women decided to go shopping to South Extension, New Delhi. They arrived at the designated meeting place in the following order: 1. Arohi, 2. Chand, 3. Dipika, 4. Hetal, and 5. Sunanda. Each of them spent atleast Rs, 1000. The woman who spent Rs. 2234 arrived before the woman who spent Rs. 1193. One of them spent Rs. 1340 and she was not Dipika. One woman spent Rs. 1378 more than Chand. One of them spent Rs. 2517 and she was not Arohi. Hetal spent more than Dipika. Sunanda spent the largest amount and Chand the smallest.

Question 1: Which of the following amount is spent by one of the women?
A. Rs. 1139
B. Rs. 1378
C. Rs. 2518
D. Rs. 2571

Question 2: What was the amount spent by Hetal?
A.Rs. 2234
B. Rs. 1340
C. Rs. 1193
D. Rs.2517

Question 3: The lady who spent Rs. 1193 is:
A. Hetal
B. Chand
C. Dipika
D. Arohi

Answers and Explanations: Click the down arrow to expand

Common solution for the set: Step 1: The woman who spent Rs. 2234 arrived before the woman who spent Rs. 1193. One of them spent Rs. 1340 and she was not Dipika. One of them spent Rs. 2517 and she was not Arohi.

2234, 1193 is the order

Step 2: One woman spent Rs. 1378 more than Chand. Hetal spent more than Dipika. Sunanda spent the largest amount and Chand the smallest. Hetal>Dipika Available spent money:1193, 1340, 2234, 2517

2234, 1193

Case 1: 1193 is smallest amount. 2234 rs. should be spend by arohi.1340 should be paid by Hetal which is not the case. So option 1 should be rejected

Case 2: 2517 is largest amount. Hetal spent more than Dipika so 2234 has to be spent by Arohi

Therefore the two cases are: (i) The lowest amount spent is Rs. 1193 (by Chand): Then, the fifth amount will be Rs.(1193 + 1378) = Rs. 2571, which will then be the highest amount and is spent by Sunanda. As Arohi arrived before Chand, so she must have spent Rs.2234. This implies Hetal spent Rs.2517 and Dipika spent Rs.1340, which is a contradiction. Hence, this case is not possible. (ii) The highest amount spent is Rs.2517 (by Sunanda): Then the fifth amount will be Rs.(2517 – 1378) = Rs.1139. Since it is the lowest amount, it will be spent by Chand. Further analysis leads to the following table:

Answer 1: (A) The amount is 1139. Hence option (A) is correct.

Answer 2: (B) Hetal spent Rs. 1340. Hence option (B) is correct.

Answer 3: (C) The lady who spent Rs. 1193 is Dipika. Hence option (C) is correct.

Extra tips for IBPS reasoning questions:
• Review the IBPS reasoning questions after your attempt to cover the points you might have missed in the first go.
• If you are stuck on a particular question in the set, flag it for the time being and move ahead to solve other questions in the set or to other sets as it helps you cover greater amount of questions, instead of cracking fewer questions.
• Solve IBPS reasoning questions from all the topics that are a part of the syllabus and do not let any topic go unpracticed.

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