
List of Important Missiles in India

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List of Important Missiles in India

Defense is an important and dynamic segment in Competitive Exam Syllabus. Several questions are asked related to the missile launch, its type etc. According to the recent trends It is very important to know about important missiles of India because during IBPS/SBI PO & Clerk or other banking Examinations, you may ask 1-2 questions on missiles of India.

So Dear readers Wordpandit are going to provide you the list of Important missiles of India which will be helpful to tackle the question related to missiles in various competitive exams SSC, IAS, SSC CPO,CAPF and Bank.

We have collected some important missiles name and provide you in the table format which includes the list of Indian missiles and its ranges and speed.

A ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic trajectory with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. These missiles are guided for the brief duration just in starting phase of trajectory and the rest of the path is like a free falling projectile under gravity.

A cruise missile is a guided missile used against terrestrial targets that remain in the atmosphere and flies the major portion of its flight path at approximately constant speed. These missiles are self-navigating and fly at extremely low altitudes to avoid being caught by radars. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large warhead over long distances with high accuracy.

Missile NameOrginTypeRangeSpeed
Air-to-air missiles
AstraIndiaactive radar homing beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM)Air-to-Air Missiles60 – 80 kmMach 4 +
K-100Russia & IndiaMedium Range air-to-air missile300–400 kmMach 3.3
MICAIAFAir-to-Air Missiles
Surface-To-Air Missiles
AkashIndiaMedium-range surface-to-air missile30-35kmMach 2.5 to 3.5
Barak 8Israel / IndiaLong Range surface to air Missile100 kmMach 2
TrishulIndiaShort Range surface to air missile9km
Pradyumna Ballistic Missile Interceptor or

Prithvi Air Defence (PAD)

 Ballistic Missile interceptor , surface to air missile300 to 2,000 km
Defence Missile
Prithvi Air Defence (PAD)IndiaExo-atmospheric Anti-ballistic missileAltitude- 80kmMach 5+
Advanced Air Defence (AAD)IndiaEndo atmospheric Anti-ballistic missileAltitude- 30kmMach 4.5
Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV)IndiaExo-atmospheric Anti-ballistic missileAltitude- 120km
Cruise Missiles
NirbhayIndiaSubsonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft and land)1,000 -1500 kmMach 0.8
BrahMosRussia & IndiaFastest Cruise Missile in the world Supersonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft and land)290 kmMach 2.8 to 3 Mach
BrahMos II IndiaHypersonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft and land)300kmMach 7
BrahMos-A Air launched Cruise Missile. 
Brahmos-M Smaller variant of the air-launched BrahMos290 km 
BrahMos-NG Mini version based on the existing BrahMos290-km 
Surface-to-surface missiles
Agni-IIndiaMedium-range ballistic missile (MRBM)700-1250 kmMach 7.5
Agni-IIIndiaIntermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM)2,000–3,000 kmMach 12
Agni-IIIIndiaIntermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM)3,500 km – 5,000 km5–6 km/s
Agni-IVIndiaIntermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM)3,000 – 4,000 kmMach 7
Agni-VIndiaIntercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM)5000 – 8000KmMach 24
Agni-VIfour-stage intercontinental ballistic missile 8,000 km to 12,000 km
Prithvi IIndiaShort Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)150 km
Prithvi IIIndiaShort Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)350 km
Prithvi IIIShort Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)350 km to 600 km
DhanushIndiaShort Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)350 – 600 km
Prahaar(Pragati)IndiaShort Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)150 kmMach 2.03
ShauryaIndiaHypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM)750 to 1,900 kmMach 7.5
Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles  
Sagarika (K-15)IndiaBallistic Missile700 – 1900KmMach 7+
K-4IndiaBallistic Missile3,500–5,000 kmMach 7+
K-5IndiaBallistic Missile6,000 km
AshwinIndiaBallistic Missile150-200kmMach 4.5
Anti-Tank Missile
NagIndiaAnti-Tank Guided Missile4km230 m/s
Helina(HELIcopter launched NAg)IndiaAnti-Tank Guided Missile7-8km
Amogha-1IndiaAnti-Tank Guided Missile 2.8 km
Ashwin Ballistic Missile Interceptor or Advanced Air Defence (AAD) Ballistic Missile interceptor / anti aircraft missile150 km+ 
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