Logical Reasoning tricks: Logical Reasoning tricks that help build your Logical Reasoning fundamentals for exams
Logical Reasoning tricks have questions along with clear solutions to help clear conceptual doubts. Logical Reasoning tricks cover some of the commonly asked topics such as Direction based and Position based problems. Giving yourself a good practice of these sets in stipulated time will improve your speed and accuracy. Going through a variety of Logical Reasoning tricks can help boost your performance.
Directions for the question set:
Study the following information to answer the given questions:
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons.
In row – 1, A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing south.
In row – 2, P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D sits third to right of C. R faces C. The one facing E sits third to the right of P. B and P do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. T is not an immediate neighbour of V and A is not an immediate neighbour of F. Also, P sits to the left of S.
1. Who amongst the following faces D?
(a) T
(b) P
(c) Q
(d) R
(e) None of these
2. Who amongst the following represent the people sitting at extreme ends of the rows?
(a) R, F
(b) T, A
(c) D, R
(d) C, Q
(e) S, A
3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) B-T
(b) A-Q
(c) C-S
(d) F-P
(e) D-R
4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) D
(b) S
(c) V
(d) T
(e) A
5. How many people are seated between R and T?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None
6. Who amongst the following faces Q?
(a) D
(b) B
(c) E
(d) A
(e) None of these
7. Which of the following is true regarding B?
(a) B sits to the immediate left of C
(b) B faces Q
(c) B sits fourth from the extreme left end of the line
(d) D and F are immediate neighbours of B
(e) None is true
Answers and Explanations: Click the down arrow to expand

Answer 1: (a) From the Table we can say that T faces D.
Answer 2: (b) T and A sit at the extreme ends.
Answer 3: (e) D- R is different. In the rest of the options, the first person to the left of the person who is opposite to the second person. Correct option is (e).
Answer 4: (b) Except S, all others are sitting at the extreme ends.
Answer 5: (b) There are two people between R and T.
Answer 6: (c) From the diagram we can say that E faces Q.
Answer 7: (d) D and F are immediate neighbours of B.