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The difference between Bhupinder’s and Maninder’s age is 4 years and the difference between Maninder’s and Kaminder’s age is 10 years. What is the maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages, taken two at a time?

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The maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages – taken two at a time – is 28 years. It is given that – Difference between Bhupinder’s and Maninder’s age is 4 years Difference between Maninder’s and Kaminder’s age is 10 years To obtain maximum possible value, the difference between Bhupinder’s and Kaninder’s age should be maximum i.e. Maninder’s age should be in between Bhupinder’s and Kaninder’s age. Then, the difference between Bhupinder’s and Kaninder’s age is 14 years. Hence, the maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages – taken two at a time – is (4 + 10 + 14)= 28 years.
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