
Daily Reads-45 (Level-1): Sources for Reading Comprehension Practice Online

Daily reading suggestions for CAT, GRE, GMAT, SAT, Bank PO, CDS, SSC
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From where should I do Reading Comprehension Practice Online?

The topic ‘Reading Comprehension’ plays a very important role in many competitive exams. In fact, if you see the verbal section of any exam you will definitely find questions from this topic. This makes it very important to do reading comprehension practice online. So, coming to the important question I want to address: From where should I do Reading Comprehension Practice Online?

The simple answer for this question would be, target the areas which are sources of these Reading comprehensions in the competitive exams. Most passages are picked from popular publications like Newspaper and Magazines. The difficulty level of the RCs varies according to the difficulty level of the exam. For Example CAT RCs are from international publications like the Guardian, The Economist, etc. To help you do Reading Comprehension Practice Online, we have the articles below from popular publications.

Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name: Marks and standards: the need for a better evaluation system
Author Name: Editorial team
Source: The Hindu
Category: Education

Summary for this article:

In this piece of writing the writer talks about the necessity of an evaluation mechanism for the students to ensure genuine learning rather than just undergraduate admission purpose of learning and scoring.

He talks about the recent decision of the CBSE to do away with moderation and ensure fair scoring of marks amongst all students with the consensus of the State boards

He also points out certain drawbacks in our education system and the impact it has in the learning process.

He concludes by saying that the reform should recognise the role of the teacher in ensuring genuine learning and encouraging creativity and an external test that evaluates sound learning will do the right thing.

Words to learn from this article:

Stifle: to not allow to express yourself (eg tried to stifle tears)

Reading Suggestion-1: Click to read full article

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name:Product Dynamics
Author Name: C Gnanasambandam Et Al
Source: Economic times
Category: Business

Summary for this article:

In this article, the author stresses on the importance of the role of a product manager by claiming his role to be equal to a “mini CEO” unlike the past where their role were focussed only on execution and were measured by the on-time delivery of engineering projects.

While not only understanding the dynamics attached to cost, setting the customer expectation, providing software as a service to make them simpler, the role of a product manager is to oversee them all

Further with the increasingly complex business ecosystems which can be owed due to the competition, advancement in technology etc., the role of the product managers unlike the traditional times have shifted to handle diverse functions in order to serve the customer expectations.

Reading Suggestion-2: Click to read full article

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name: The golden mean & pairs
Author Name: Akhil Chandra
Source: Economic times
Category: Religion

Summary for this article:

In this short and interesting piece of writing, the writer talks about balancing the two extreme sides of our human nature – the good and bad, winning and losing etc.

He explains about Lord Shiva’s depiction and Bhagavad Gita’s view on these and concludes by saying that one cannot always experience both. Go on, find the Golden mean he says.

Words to learn from this article:

Golden mean: the midway path between the extremes (like not getting effected by success or failures)
Ignominy: embarrassment or disgrace. (example: endure the ignominy of being forced to resign)
Sublime: splendid/ astonishing

Reading Suggestion-3: Click to read full article

To sum up, we can say that, it is very important to do Reading Comprehension Practice Online and to do it from different sources. We hope the sources mentioned above were useful and helpful to you for doing reading comprehension practice online.

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