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Recommendation 1 from ‘Foreign Policy’

Article Name:‘Longform’s picks of the week’

By: ‘FP’

How many a man has dated a new era in his life from reading of a book. : Henry David Thoreau


The article is the compilation of five of the best articles that appeared in various magazines on the web. There are five and the stunners out of the listed articles have to be Is he coming? Is he? Oh God, I think he is, a story of the Norway massacre is. Another is Marie Colvin’s private war written by Marie Brenner and it appeared on Vanity Fair.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Massacre: Slaughter
Predictions: Forecasts
Jubilant: Triumphant

Recommendation 2 from ‘The Times Of India’

Article Name:‘The reality of Riyadh’

By: ‘Malini Nair’

Plight of the Gulf workers


The article is a review by a book written by Benny Daniel, with Najeeb Muhammad , a Malalayee working in the Gulf being the protagonist. It highlights the miserable plight of the Malaalyee worker in the gulf, revealing the helplessness and misery of the people there behind the flashy riches. The writer explains why the book was a huge success and why every Malalyee could relate to it easily, quoting some statements of the author himself.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Dehumanizing: Deprive of human qualities
Diaspora: The dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)
Obnoxious: Causing disapproval or protest

Recommendation 3 from ‘The Sunday Guardian’

Article Name:‘The Heroine-Half revolution’

By: ‘Editorial’

Treatment of the ‘Heroine’


The article is a detailed account of the recent cliché of Bollywood this season -i.e. women centric roles. Giving examples of recent and old movies and some actresses, the article elaborates how the word ‘female-centric’ is a misnomer and how female actors are discriminated against their male counterparts. It paints the real picture of the Indian film industry, while stating what all needs to be changed to improve the heroine’s status, both on and off screen.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Moochers: Someone who mooches or cadges (tries to get something free)
Plausible: Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
Surrogate: Someone who takes the place of another person



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