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Recommendation 1 from ‘Times of India Blogs’

Article Name:Rough Justice’

By: ‘Jug Suraiya’

It’s not only the criminals who violate women who are in the dock. In a collective sense, so are all of us. And the rage we feel towards them is a reflection of the rage we cannot bear to feel towards ourselves.


After the Delhi rape incident, a lot has come to light about the collective responsibility we have as a society towards our nation. The anger demonstrated at Raisina Hill depicted the anger and rage that can be contained since long. But, is our anger and rage going to bring any form of justice for the victim who has already been subjected to so much brutality?

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

1: Complicity: The state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing
2: Juvenile: A young person
3: Penance: Voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong.

Recommendation 2 from ‘The Hindu’

Article Name:‘The science of missing women’

By: ‘Editorial’

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According to International Labour Organisation gender discrepancies are available are most stark in the science disciplines. As per a Yale University study, women graduates are discriminated against in research openings in the United States as well. In India, the female to male ratio in most scientific disciplines has been rising but they are still under-represented in the public sector.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Preclude: to prevent the existence
Stark: complete
Grossly:without any deductions

Recommendation 3 from ‘The New York Times’

Article Name:‘Paying doctors for performance’

By: ‘Editorial’

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The article describes that in line with the goals of national health care reform, New York City’s public hospital system has embarked on a radical change in the way it pays its doctors. The pay will be based on how well they reduce costs, increase patient satisfaction and improve the quality of care. It also wants to determine bonuses partly by measuring performance against a hospital’s previous record rather than against a national standard that might be harder to meet.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Ambitious: having ambition
Jettisoned: to throw off as an burden
Affiliate: to bring into close connection.



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