
What Kind of RC Passages Appear in CAT?

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Welcome to another edition of the RC Rapidfire Series by WordPandit. I’m Prashant, the founder of WordPandit, and today we’ll be diving into a critical part of CAT preparation: understanding the types of passages that commonly appear in the VARC section.

Setting the Right Expectations

It’s essential to set the right expectations when preparing for the CAT exam. Understanding the types of passages you’ll encounter helps streamline your preparation and focus your efforts on the right areas.

The Wide Range of Topics

CAT RC passages cover a diverse array of subjects, which include:

  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Art and Culture
  • Feminism
  • Race and Racism
  • Anthropology
  • Literature
  • Science
  • And many more…

The Challenge of Unfamiliar Subjects

Many of these topics may not be part of your daily reading routine. While some may be comfortable with politics or business news, subjects like philosophy, sociology, and psychology often remain untouched unless they were part of your academic background.

The Importance of Diverse Reading

Preparing for CAT RC isn’t just about expanding your vocabulary. You need to build familiarity with a broad range of subjects and their terminologies. Here’s how you can do this effectively:

  • Understanding diverse subjects: Don’t shy away from topics that feel challenging. Embrace them.
  • Familiarizing yourself with terminology: Learn the jargon of different fields like philosophy, sociology, and psychology.
  • Building a topic-specific vocabulary: Broaden your understanding of key terms in each subject.

Reading diversely doesn’t mean switching between newspapers. While reading The Hindu, The Times of India, or The Indian Express helps, true diversity comes from exploring different subject matter, not just publications.

Strategies for Improvement

  • Identify your weak areas: Pinpoint the subjects you struggle with and focus on them.
  • Dedicate fixed reading time: Set aside time each day to engage with unfamiliar topics.
  • Take it one area at a time: Don’t rush. Gradually build your comfort with each subject.
  • Consistency is key: The more consistent you are, the better your results.


Broaden your reading horizons to master CAT RC. It’s not just about understanding difficult words but about familiarizing yourself with diverse areas of knowledge. This approach is central to our courses at WordPandit, and I highly encourage you to follow it diligently. By preparing this way, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the CAT VARC section.

Thank you for reading! If you found this helpful, please like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more content like this. As always, happy learning!

Title: Should You Read the RC Question or the RC Passage First?


Welcome to another blog in the RC Rapidfire Series! I’m Prashant, the founder of WordPandit, and in this post, we’ll tackle an important question that often puzzles students: Should you read the RC passage or the question first?

Understanding the Types of Passages in CAT

The CAT exam includes a broad range of reading comprehension (RC) passages. These passages touch on subjects such as politics, economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, art and culture, feminism, race and racism, anthropology, literature, and science. Many students find these topics difficult because they’re unfamiliar and outside their regular reading habits.

To succeed in the CAT, you need to prepare for this diversity. Simply reading business or political news is not enough—you must familiarize yourself with a wide range of subjects to be fully prepared.

Building Vocabulary for Diverse Topics

It’s not enough to just expand your general vocabulary. You also need to develop a vocabulary specific to various subjects. Understanding the terminology of fields like sociology, philosophy, and psychology will enable you to grasp the subtle nuances of CAT RC passages. This process will make unfamiliar passages more manageable.

Diversifying your reading is crucial. It doesn’t just mean reading different newspapers—it means delving into unfamiliar areas and building your understanding of different topics. Identify your weaknesses and spend time improving those areas gradually.

Importance of Diverse Reading

Consistently exposing yourself to different topics is essential for improving your RC skills. In my courses, I emphasize the importance of reading diversely, and I encourage my students to make this a daily habit. Tackling difficult subjects one at a time will increase your comprehension and comfort level with a variety of passages.


Reading comprehension mastery requires consistent exposure to a diverse set of topics and deliberate practice. Build your subject-specific vocabulary, strengthen your understanding of various subjects, and make RC passages less intimidating. I hope this blog has given you valuable insights on how to approach RC preparation for CAT.

If you found this blog helpful, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more RC-related content. Like and share this blog with anyone struggling with RC prep—it could make a huge difference for them. Happy learning!

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