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Well, we did have a rocking start to the phobia posts with the first one here. Its time we take fear to the next level and create some in your life as well. 10 more phobia words coming your way:

words based on the root phobia1. Pentheraphobia: fear or hatred of one’s mother-in-law. Well, that’s funny. Isn’t it? And they even have name for it.

2. Phagophobia: fear of swallowing. Phagein means eat. A person who eats only soft and liquid foods. It can lead to malnutrition and weight loss. It is expressed in various swallowing complaints without any apparent physical reason detectable by physical inspection and laboratory analyses.

3. Pyrophobia: fear of fires or flames. Pyro means fire .Through human nature , we are able to see the positive and negative aspects of an open flame and understand the feelings of joy and terror it can create within us. For some, fire is strictly a source of crippling fear which is often uncontrollable.

4. Spectrophobia: fear of looking in a mirror. In Latin, spectrum means ghost. This is a kind of specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors and one’s own reflections. It also may be that the sufferer has low self-esteem related to their physical appearance and avoids seeing his or her own reflection, and therefore avoids mirrors. Generally, an individual that deals with Spectrophobia has been traumatized in an event where they believe they have seen or heard apparitions or ghosts. The individual could also become traumatized by horror films, television shows, or by nightmares. This fear could be the result of a trauma involving mirrors. It could also be the result of the person’s superstitious fear of being watched through the mirror.

5. Triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number thirteen. But Number 13 is commonly associated with bad. There are several myths about the mysterious 13. The most common one is in christian tradition, they have it that at the Last Supper, Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table. However, the Bible itself says nothing about the order at which the Apostles sat. Also, the number 13 is not uniformly bad in the Judeo-Christian traditionTriskaidekaphobia: fear of the number thirteen. But Number 13 is commonly associated with bad. There are several myths about the mysterious 13. The most common one is in christian tradition, they have it that at the Last Supper, Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table. However, the Bible itself says nothing about the order at which the Apostles sat. Also, the number 13 is not uniformly bad in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

6. Uranophobia: fear of heaven or the sky. The root word here is uranos meaning heaven.

7. Ligyrophobia: fear of loud noises. This phobia is more common in children than in adults. It makes it difficult for the person to work in noisy office environments, to drive on busy highways, Children may have difficulty paying attention in class, participating in team sports, or spending time with friends in noisy environments.

8. Phonophobia: fear of noise or of speaking aloud. This phobia is same as Ligyrophobia.

9. Ablutophobia : Fear of Bathing , washing and cleansing . So, if a person sitting next to you stinks every day. You just need to gift the person a good book on advantages of bathing every day.

10. Hydrophobia: fear of water. The root word here is hydro which means water. Paul does not get into swimming pool, does not go for water sports.

Post Contributed by Rabia Sehgal

The complete series:

Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Post 4
Post 5

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