The basic characteristic of human life is that all things that breathe will lost strength, vitality and vigor at some point of time: all things would WILT. This is the law of life that cannot be avoided. And that is how we learn the word: from nature and its natural process of wilting. Plants wilt and the picture above depicts one such plant.

The dictionary definitions for wilted are as follows:
1. To become limp and drooping, as a fading flower; wither. (verb)
2. To lose strength, vigor, assurance, etc.: to wilt after a day’s hard work. (verb)

Usage examples for Wilted:
1. A wilted rose is like a jilted lover: missing its essence.
2. Old age brings with it the baggage of wilting.

Photography Credits: The photograph belongs to Prashant Chadha, the same as the author..and anyone is free to use this case you have any original photo to share with us so that we can use it for word learning, you are most welcomed to share..:D

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