Daily Vocabulary from Leading Indian Newspapers: November 20, 2023 - Wordpandit
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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Mesmerised Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Mesmerised

CONTEXT: they mesmerised the world with their skills.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you see something so amazing, like a beautiful rainbow or a magician doing tricks, that you can’t look away. You’re so interested and amazed that you forget about everything else. That’s what it means to be mesmerised.

MEANING: Extremely fascinated or absorbed by something captivating (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘mez-muh-raizd’

SYNONYMS: Captivated, Enthralled, Fascinated, Spellbound, Entranced, Hypnotized.

1. She was mesmerised by the sparkling stars in the night sky.
2. The audience was mesmerised by the magician’s performance.
3. The children were mesmerised by the colorful storybook.
4. He stood mesmerised by the painting’s intricate details.

Demeanour Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Demeanour

CONTEXT: Captain Sharma’s languid demeanour, his slightly hunched but powerful shoulders.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Demeanour is how you act or behave, like when you’re calm and polite at a dinner table or happy and excited at a party.

MEANING: The way a person behaves or appears in front of others (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘di-mee-ner’

1. Her friendly demeanour made everyone feel welcome.
2. The teacher’s stern demeanour kept the classroom in order.
3. His calm demeanour helped ease the tension.
4. The guest’s polite demeanour impressed the hosts.

Scurrying Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Scurrying

CONTEXT: there was Ravindra Jadeja on high alert all the time, diving and scurrying.


EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Scurrying is like running really fast and in a hurry, kind of like a little mouse running across the floor when it’s trying to hide.

MEANING: Moving hurriedly with quick, short steps (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘skur-ee-ing’

SYNONYMS: Hurrying, Rushing, Dashing, Scampering, Darting, Sprinting.

1. The mouse was scurrying across the kitchen floor.
2. The children were scurrying around the playground.
3. She was scurrying to catch the bus.
4. Leaves were scurrying down the street in the wind.

Folklore Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Folklore

CONTEXT: his angles and accuracy a part of cricketing folklore and case studies at IITs.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Folklore is like a collection of stories, songs, and beliefs that have been passed down from long ago, often telling us about different cultures and traditions.

MEANING: Traditional beliefs, legends, customs, and stories passed down within a culture (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘fohk-lawr’

SYNONYMS: Mythology, Legend, Tradition, Lore, Culture, Heritage.

1. The story of the Loch Ness Monster is part of Scottish folklore.
2. Grandparents often share folklore with their grandchildren.
3. The festival celebrated the local folklore.
4. Folklore often includes tales of heroes and mythical creatures.

Redemption Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Redemption

CONTEXT: he had led a disastrous World Cup campaign in 2007 and seemed determined to earn his redemption in this edition as a coach.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Redemption is like making up for a mistake or doing something good to show you are sorry for something bad you did.

MEANING: The act of making up for wrongdoing or gaining forgiveness (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘ri-demp-shuhn’

SYNONYMS: Atonement, Salvation, Amends, Reclamation, Recovery, Deliverance.

1. He sought redemption by volunteering at the shelter.
2. The story is about the hero’s journey to redemption.
3. Redemption was an important theme in the novel.
4. She found redemption in helping others.


WORD-6: Sacrilegious

CONTEXT: The difference between the revenues and the actual cost of running the restaurant is a vast amount of money that is pure profit. Foodies find this sacrilegious.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Sacrilegious is when someone does something that is very disrespectful to something holy or very important, like being naughty in a church or drawing on a very special book.

MEANING: Showing disrespect to something sacred or extremely important (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘sak-ruh-lij-us’

SYNONYMS: Blasphemous, Irreverent, Profane, Disrespectful, Impious, Unholy.

1. It was considered sacrilegious to speak loudly in the sacred place.
2. The painting was deemed sacrilegious by the church.
3. His comments on the holy book were sacrilegious.
4. The act of vandalism was seen as sacrilegious.


WORD-7: Pertaining

CONTEXT: some basic assumptions informed major decisions pertaining to the global economy.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Pertaining is like when something is about or connected to something else. Like, if you’re talking about school stuff, everything you say is pertaining to school.

MEANING: Relating to or having a connection with something (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘per-tayn-ing’

SYNONYMS: Concerning, Regarding, Relating to, Connected with, Applicable to, Relevant.

1. The rules pertaining to the use of the library were clear.
2. The discussion was about issues pertaining to environmental protection.
3. She asked a question pertaining to the topic.
4. The document contained information pertaining to the case.


WORD-8: Semblance

CONTEXT: There is no semblance of a normal life for the promising seven-year-old who is on the fast track to playing cricket professionally.

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Semblance is like when something looks or seems a certain way, even if it’s not really like that. It’s like when you build a castle out of sand; it has the semblance of a real castle, but it’s actually just sand.

MEANING: An outward appearance or imitation of something (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘sem-bluhns’

SYNONYMS: Appearance, Resemblance, Facade, Image, Likeness, Pretense.

1. He tried to maintain a semblance of normalcy during the crisis.
2. The play had a semblance of reality.
3. They struggled to preserve a semblance of peace.
4. The movie set had the semblance of an ancient village.


WORD-9: Rejuvenated

CONTEXT: The scope of this rejuvenated politics of social justice, however, is still very restricted.

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Rejuvenated is like feeling fresh and full of energy again, like when you’re really tired and then you have a good sleep and wake up feeling all new and energetic.

MEANING: Made to feel fresh, rested, and energetic again (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘ri-joo-vuh-nay-tid’

SYNONYMS: Revitalized, Refreshed, Renewed, Restored, Invigorated, Revived.

1. After the holiday, she felt rejuvenated.
2. The spa treatment left him feeling rejuvenated.
3. The rain rejuvenated the wilting plants.
4. A good night’s sleep rejuvenated her.


WORD-10: Stridency

CONTEXT: Muizzu’s stridency is the bigger challenge than removal of the “troops”.

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Stridency is when a sound is really loud and harsh, like when someone blows a whistle right next to your ear or when a car horn honks loudly in a quiet place.

MEANING: The quality of being loud, harsh, and grating (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ‘stri-duhn-see’

SYNONYMS: Harshness, Loudness, Raucousness, Shrillness, Dissonance, Discordance.

1. The stridency of the alarm startled everyone.
2. He spoke with a stridency that was unsettling.
3. The stridency of the debate made it difficult to listen.
4. The crows’ stridency filled the morning air.



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