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Current Affairs Quiz 18 November 2017

Directions for the quiz:
1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 18 November 2017, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.
2. Current Affairs Quiz 18 November 2017 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.
3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 18 November 2017 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.
4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article, Daily Current Affairs Today 18 November 2017

Question 1:Which country vetoed Syria chemical attack probe?
A. Singapore
B. Japan
C. Russia

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

Russia vetoed Syria Chemical attack probe.

Question 2: The war in Syria began in __
A. 2010
B. 2011
C. 2012
D. 2013

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

The war in Syria began in 2011.

Question 3:Which city will get a six-car metro ?
A. Bengaluru
B. Chennai
C. Delhi
D. Mumbai

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

Bengaluru will get a six-car metro.

Question 4:___ appoints first female Black Rod in 650 years.
B. Britain
C. Russia
D. Japan

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

Britain appointed Sarah Clarke as the first female Black Rod.

Question 5: Which company presented 5G demonstration ?
A. Google
B. Airtel
C. Ericsson
D. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

Ericsson presented 5G demonstration.

Question 6:A six-car train has a capacity to carry __ commuters
A. 1000
B. 1850
C. 2850
D. 3500

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

A six-car train will have the capacity to carry up to 1,850 commuters.

Question 7: Geetha Phogat is a _____
A. Swimmer
B. Goalkeeper
C. Wrestler
D. Gymnast

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

Geetha Phogat is a wrestler.

Question 8:5G to generate $27 bn revenue potential by___
A. 2022
B. 2024
C. 2025
D. 2026

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

5G to generate $27 bn revenue potential by 2026.

Question 9:Which company will pay $247 mn over defective hip implants?
A. Novartis
B. Pfizer
C. Merck
D. Johnson and Johnson

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

Johnson & Johnson to pay $247 mn over defective hip implants

Question 10: The number of flyers in India in October 2017 increased on a year-on-year basis by over _______
A. 10%
B. 50%
C. 20%
D. 30%

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

The number of flyers saw a year-on-year increase of over 20%, up from 86.7 lakh passengers in October 2016.

Daily Current Affairs: 18 November


General Knowledge Tests for November-2017
Happy Learning!


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