Daily Vocabulary from Leading Indian Newspapers: October 31, 2023 - Wordpandit
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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Permeating Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Permeating

CONTEXT: What we are also starting to see slowly is more investment permeating down to the grassroots level, like the Khelo India and other programmes.

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine pouring water on a sponge. The water goes everywhere inside the sponge, doesn’t it? That’s what “permeating” means. When something permeates, it spreads or goes all the way through something else.

MEANING: Spreading or seeping through something completely (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: permeeateing

SYNONYMS: Pervading, Saturating, Infusing, Penetrating, Diffusing, Seeping, Infiltrating.

1. The smell of cookies was permeating the entire house.
2. The music permeated through the walls of the room.
3. His ideas were permeating throughout the community.
4. The rain permeated my shoes, making them wet inside.

Reconciliation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Reconciliation

CONTEXT: It also represents a mutually favourable ongoing cultural reconciliation between the neighbours while shadows of global geopolitical unpredictability loom large in the Indian Ocean region.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Reconciliation is like when two friends, who were mad at each other, decide to be friends again and stop being mad. They talk and fix their problems, and then they’re happy together again!

MEANING: The process of making two opposing parties friendly again; restoring harmony (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: reconsileeayshun

SYNONYMS: Mending, Restoration, Resolution, Amends, Settlement, Accord, Harmonizing.

1. After their big argument, the sisters had a reconciliation.
2. The two countries aimed for reconciliation after years of conflict.
3. Reconciliation between the two groups seemed impossible.
4. They attended a workshop aimed at reconciliation and understanding.

Terminus Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Terminus

CONTEXT: The terminus of the Southern Railway, was “the gateway from India to Ceylon”.

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Terminus is like the last stop on a bus or train journey. It’s where the ride ends, and you have to get off.

MEANING: The final point or end of something, especially a transportation route (noun).


SYNONYMS: Endpoint, Conclusion, Finish, Destination, Final stop, Close, Omega.

1. We reached the bus terminus after a long journey.
2. The terminus of the line is at the city center.
3. All passengers must disembark at the terminus.
4. The trail has its terminus at the mountain peak.

Resurgence Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Resurgence

CONTEXT: The resurgence of the importance of seabed infrastructure in recent conflicts

SOURCE: Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Resurgence is like when flowers start blooming again in the spring after a cold winter. It means something is coming back or becoming strong and popular again after a time of being gone or weak.

MEANING: A return or increase in strength, popularity, or activity after a period of absence or decline (noun).


SYNONYMS: Renewal, Revival, Recovery, Comeback, Reawakening, Rebirth, Restoration.

1. There’s a resurgence of interest in traditional crafts.
2. The team enjoyed a resurgence in the second half of the game.
3. The city is experiencing a cultural resurgence.
4. After years of decline, the industry is showing signs of resurgence.

Turpitude Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Turpitude

CONTEXT: An op-ed discussing the moral turpitude evident in the latest corporate fraud case.

SOURCE: India Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Turpitude is a fancy word that means someone did something really bad or wrong. Like when someone breaks a rule on purpose, knowing it’s not right.

MEANING: Wickedness or immoral behavior (noun).


SYNONYMS: Depravity, Immorality, Corruption, Vice, Evilness, Degeneracy, Wickedness.

1. The mayor resigned because of moral turpitude.
2. The crime was an act of deep turpitude.
3. The judge mentioned the defendant’s history of turpitude.
4. Stories of his turpitude shocked the community.


WORD-6: Aplomb

CONTEXT: The aplomb with which the young athlete handled her Olympic debut.

SOURCE: India Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Aplomb is when someone does something tricky or difficult and they do it looking very cool and confident, like they know what they’re doing.

MEANING: Self-confidence and assurance, especially in a challenging situation (noun).


SYNONYMS: Poise, Composure, Self-assuredness, Coolness, Confidence, Assurance, Calmness.

1. She handled the difficult question with aplomb.
2. Even in a crisis, he managed the team with aplomb.
3. The gymnast performed with incredible aplomb.
4. With aplomb, she turned the failure into an opportunity.


WORD-7: Retrograde

CONTEXT: Political parties from disclosing donations received through electoral bonds while describing the move as a retrograde step.

SOURCE: India Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re watching a video, and then you press the rewind button. The video goes backward, right? That’s kind of what “retrograde” means. It’s when something goes backward or becomes worse.

MEANING: Moving or tending to move backward; becoming worse (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: rehtrograde

SYNONYMS: Regressive, Backward, Declining, Deteriorating, Reversing, Receding, Degenerating.

1. The company took a retrograde step by cutting salaries.
2. These policies are seen as a retrograde move.
3. Mercury is in retrograde, which some believe affects behavior.
4. The civilization showed signs of retrograde when resources became scarce.


WORD-8: Incumbent

CONTEXT: The incumbent is a bold and steely man. So things will be different.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Incumbent can mean two things. One is like when you have a job or duty that you must do. The other meaning is when someone has a job, like being the president or mayor, and they have it right now.

MEANING: 1. Necessary as a duty or responsibility (adjective). 2. A person who currently holds a particular office or position (noun).


SYNONYMS: Obligatory, Mandatory, Binding, Holding office, Officeholder, Current holder, Duty-bound.

1. It is incumbent upon all citizens to vote.
2. The incumbent president is seeking reelection.
3. It’s incumbent on us to support local businesses.
4. The incumbent was defeated in the primary election.


WORD-9: Vindictive

CONTEXT: Polling booth has voted for which party because there used to be revengeful and vindictive action.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Vindictive is when someone wants to hurt or get back at someone because they are angry or because something bad was done to them. It’s like when someone takes away your toy, and you think of doing something mean to them because of it.

MEANING: Showing a strong desire for revenge; spiteful (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Vengeful, Revengeful, Spiteful, Malicious, Bitter, Malevolent, Grudging.

1. She had a vindictive streak and never forgave anyone.
2. He felt that the criticism was personal and vindictive.
3. She spread vindictive rumors about her rival.
4. His actions were seen as vindictive rather than just.


WORD-10: Refrained

CONTEXT: The apex court said that it refrained from delving into the legal questions of the case.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Refrained means when you stop yourself from doing something that you really want to do. Like when you really want to eat a cookie before dinner, but you decide not to because your mom said to wait.

MEANING: Stopped oneself from doing something (verb).


SYNONYMS: Abstained, Held back, Desisted, Avoided, Forbore, Eschewed, Resisted.

1. She refrained from commenting on the issue.
2. I refrained from eating any sweets for a month.
3. They refrained from arguing in front of the kids.
4. Even though he was angry, he refrained from yelling.



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