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Recommendation 1 from ‘The Hindu’

Article Name:Nature avenges its exploitation

By: Maharaj K.Pandit

The catastrope in the Himalaya is the result of deforestation, unchecked construction of dwellings and large-scale building of big dams


The article talks about the reasons behind the massive destruction in the Himalaya ecosystems through the manipulation of rivers, their hydrology and deforestation.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Boulders: a large worn rock
Fragile: easily broken or damaged
Precursors: a predecessor

Recommendation 2 from ‘The Times Crest Edition’

Article Name:As the birds fly

By: Lakshmi Sharath

India, with some of the most diverse terrain in the world, is a birdwatcher’s paradise.


The article talks about the five hotspots where scores of exotic birds and curious birders flock every year to see each other.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Raptors: a raptorial bird
Envy: a feeling of discontent with regard’s to another’s advantages

Recommendation 3 from ‘The Guardian’

Article Name:The fashion world’s ethics are in rags and its soul shabby

By: Catherine Bennett

From suicide-themed fashion shoots to tax evasion-the rag trade is notable now only for moral bankruptcy.


The article talks about the only comprehensible reason why a fashion magazine would run a suicide themed-fashion spread and how the fashion world’s ethics are in rags.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Futile: ineffective
Demise: death or decease
Pragmatic: pertaining to a particular point of view.



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