Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times Crest Edition’
Article Name:Wholly crap
By: Joeanna Rebello Fernandes
Agrowing number of Indian designers are taking old, unwanted junk and upcycling them into trendy collectibles.
The article begins by talking about Sara Vetteth, a home-ware designer, who has been able to draw out life forms concealed deep within old sculls in a way that makes them wonder how they ever lived apart.
Learn Words from the article:
Queenly: suggestive of a queen
Scavenging: to gather from discarded material
Recommendation 2 from ‘The Economic Times’
Article Name:Turning into an entrepreneur? Five business models you should consider
By: Sakina Babwani
The right idea is only the birth of business. Running it successfully will depend on how you structure the company.
The article talks about the basic knowledge one should possess while starting up a new business model. The article is important for CAT aspirants as it will help them discover various economic and business terms that any serious aspirant of Business Studies must be aware of.
Learn Words from the article:
Precarious: uncertain
Lunacy: insanity
Recommendation 3 from ‘The Guardian’
Article Name:Vice’s suicide fashion pictures could be deadly
By: Helen Lewis
To children in distress, these shocking tasteless images look like a menu. Outrage is a tactic – lets’s hope this one backfires
The article talks about a youth culture magazine that has recently published a fashion spread of models recreating the suicides of famous female writers and talks about the negative repercussions of putting-up something like this.
Learn Words from the article:
Wading: to walk in water.
Shtick: routine business inserted to gain attention to oneself.