Recommendation 1 from ‘The Hindu’
Article Name:I do not expect to see home again
Snowden will go down in history as one of America’s most consequential whistleblowers, alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning.
The article talks about Edward Snowden, a 29 year old former technical assistant for the CIA, working at the NSA for the past four years and responsible for most significant leaks in the political history of US. These leaks have not only shook the world but highlighted how pervasive governments have become.
Learn Words from the article:
Anonymity: the state of being unknown
Ensconced: hide securely
Paranoia: excessive suspicion of the motives of others
Recommendation 2 from ‘The Times Crest Edition’
Article Name:K is for kindness
By: Lubna Kably
Compassion towards animals
PETA is an organization teaching the young students compassion towards animals and recognizing the link between animal abuse and violence. This is one topic we feel strongly about and believe that animals should be treated in the best possible way.
Learn Words from the article:
Compassion: feeling of deep sympathy
Inflicting: to impose something
Recommendation 3 from ‘The New Yorker’
Article Name:Canon Fodder: Denouncing the classics
By: Savio D’souza
Atrue classic is an author who has enriched the human mind, increased its treasure and caused it to advance a step.
The article talks about the great classics of all times and how the meaning of classics has changed during the course of time. The article is an interesting read, is written well, and forms good practice for literature based reading comprehensions.
Learn Words from the article:
Vicious: unpleasantly severe
Magniloquent: expressed in a lofty style
Posterity: descendants of a person