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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.


WORD-1: Streamlined

CONTEXT: As India’s democracy nears the end of the world’s largest electoral exercise, it is evident that digital technologies have changed the whole landscape of Indian policymaking, reshaping governance, citizen engagement, political campaigning and elections. This transformation has not only streamlined bureaucratic processes, but also brought services closer to the people, fostering financial inclusion and digital empowerment.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a toy car and you want it to go really fast down a ramp. If you make the car smooth and the shape just right so it doesn’t bump or slow down, you’ve made it “streamlined.” It means making something easier and faster, like a super-fast car on a race track!

MEANING: Made simpler, more efficient, or more compact (adjective).


SYNONYMS: efficient, simplified, optimized, smooth, aerodynamic

1. The streamlined process at the factory helped produce toys faster.
2. Her streamlined bike design won the competition for speed.
3. The company’s streamlined operations led to increased profits.
4. They introduced a streamlined version of the software for easier use.
5. Streamlined procedures can make emergency responses quicker.

Fostering Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Fostering

CONTEXT: As India’s democracy nears the end of the world’s largest electoral exercise, it is evident that digital technologies have changed the whole landscape of Indian policymaking, reshaping governance, citizen engagement, political campaigning and elections. This transformation has not only streamlined bureaucratic processes, but also brought services closer to the people, fostering financial inclusion and digital empowerment.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you take care of a little plant, giving it water and making sure it gets sunlight so it can grow big and strong, you are “fostering” the plant. It’s like when someone helps you learn and grow by being kind and supportive.

MEANING: Encouraging the development or growth of ideas or feelings; or taking care of someone else’s child for a period of time (verb)


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SYNONYMS: nurturing, encouraging, promoting, supporting, cultivating

1. She was fostering a love of reading in her students.
2. The program is aimed at fostering creativity in young children.
3. He has been fostering rescued puppies until they find a home.
4. Fostering good relationships at work can lead to better teamwork.


WORD-3: Empowerment

CONTEXT: As India’s democracy nears the end of the world’s largest electoral exercise, it is evident that digital technologies have changed the whole landscape of Indian policymaking, reshaping governance, citizen engagement, political campaigning and elections. This transformation has not only streamlined bureaucratic processes, but also brought services closer to the people, fostering financial inclusion and digital empowerment.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about when you are allowed to pick your own clothes for school. It feels good to make your own choice, right? That’s what “empowerment” means. It’s when you feel strong and capable of making decisions by yourself.

MEANING: The process of giving power or authority to someone, typically to take control over their life (noun).


SYNONYMS: authorization, enablement, liberation, authority, independence

1. Empowerment of employees can lead to innovative ideas.
2. The empowerment program helped many women start their own businesses.
3. They felt a sense of empowerment when they learned to read and write.
4. The workshop aims at the empowerment of young leaders.

Embraced Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Embraced

CONTEXT: Ministries and government departments have embraced digital tools to raise transparency, efficiency and accountability. Performance dashboards, social media handles and grievance redressal mechanisms like Twitter Seva have become standard features of governance, allowing citizens to interact directly with the government and monitor its performance.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine giving a big, warm hug to someone you really like or accepting a new friend into your play group. That’s what it means to “embrace” someone or something. It means you really accept it and are happy about it.

MEANING: Accepted or supported something willingly or enthusiastically (verb).


SYNONYMS: accepted, welcomed, adopted, received, hugged

1. She embraced the new changes at her school.
2. The community embraced the idea of a neighborhood garden.
3. They embraced each other after the long journey.
4. He embraced the opportunity to work abroad.

Grievance Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Grievance

CONTEXT: Ministries and government departments have embraced digital tools to raise transparency, efficiency and accountability. Performance dashboards, social media handles and grievance redressal mechanisms like Twitter Seva have become standard features of governance, allowing citizens to interact directly with the government and monitor its performance.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you feel upset because someone took your toy without asking, you have a “grievance.” It’s like having a big, uncomfortable feeling because something feels unfair to you.

MEANING: A real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest


SYNONYMS: complaint, objection, protest, issue, grumble

1. He filed a grievance against his employer for unfair treatment.
2. The union discussed the workers’ grievances at the meeting.
3. She expressed her grievance over the lost package.
4. Gathering all grievances before the meeting helps address them systematically.


WORD-6: Ironically

CONTEXT: Ironically, it was left to the IPL final — the shortest format is still viewed a tad condescendingly by purists — to bring focus on the soul of the game. No distraction of the big stars. No farewell circus. No tiring hero worship from the fans and no booing of players. No nationalistic or parochial team vibes in the stands. No fighting over a lost captaincy or arguing over star players’ strike rates. Nothing but cricket.

SOURCE: The Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you wear a raincoat because you think it’s going to rain, but then the sun comes out instead. That’s an example of something happening “ironically.” It means when something happens in a way that is opposite or very different from what you expected.

MEANING: In a way that is contrary to what was expected or intended (adverb).


SYNONYMS: paradoxically, unexpectedly, surprisingly, oddly, coincidentally

1. Ironically, he missed the bus because he left early to catch it on time.
2. The fire station burned down, ironically, during the fire safety week.
3. Ironically, the book about failures became a huge success.
4. She found herself liking the movie ironically, after vowing never to watch it.


WORD-7: Tad

CONTEXT: Ironically, it was left to the IPL final — the shortest format is still viewed a tad condescendingly by purists — to bring focus on the soul of the game. No distraction of the big stars. No farewell circus. No tiring hero worship from the fans and no booing of players. No nationalistic or parochial team vibes in the stands. No fighting over a lost captaincy or arguing over star players’ strike rates. Nothing but cricket.

SOURCE: The Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you add just a little bit of salt to your food, not too much, just a “tad.” It means a very small amount, like adding one tiny sprinkle of glitter to your drawing.

MEANING: A very small amount or degree (noun).


SYNONYMS: bit, little, smidgen, pinch, speck

1. Could you move the picture a tad to the left?
2. He felt a tad nervous before his performance.
3. Add just a tad of sugar to the recipe.
4. The room was a tad warmer than usual.

Condescendingly Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Condescendingly

CONTEXT: Ironically, it was left to the IPL final — the shortest format is still viewed a tad condescendingly by purists — to bring focus on the soul of the game. No distraction of the big stars. No farewell circus. No tiring hero worship from the fans and no booing of players. No nationalistic or parochial team vibes in the stands. No fighting over a lost captaincy or arguing over star players’ strike rates. Nothing but cricket.

SOURCE: The Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if someone talked to you like you were a baby, even though you are a big kid. That’s talking “condescendingly.” It’s when someone talks or acts in a way that makes it seem like they think they are better than you.

MEANING: In a manner that shows a feeling of superiority (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: kon-duh-SEND-ing-lee

SYNONYMS: patronizingly, disdainfully, snobbishly, superiorly, haughtily

1. He explained the rules condescendingly, as if I didn’t know them already.
2. She spoke condescendingly to her younger brother about his artwork.
3. His condescending tone made the employees feel undervalued.
4. The teacher’s condescending comments discouraged the student.


WORD-9: Purists

CONTEXT: Ironically, it was left to the IPL final — the shortest format is still viewed a tad condescendingly by purists — to bring focus on the soul of the game. No distraction of the big stars. No farewell circus. No tiring hero worship from the fans and no booing of players. No nationalistic or parochial team vibes in the stands. No fighting over a lost captaincy or arguing over star players’ strike rates. Nothing but cricket.

SOURCE: The Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a friend who only likes to play games exactly by the rules, no changing anything. They like everything just the right way. That’s how “purists” are. They like things to be perfect and true to their original form.

MEANING: People who adhere strictly to traditional rules or structures, especially in cultural or religious practices (noun).


SYNONYMS: traditionalists, conservatives, sticklers, perfectionists, die-hards

1. The purists in the club insisted on using original equipment for the games.
2. Language purists often debate the use of modern slang.
3. Purists at the wine club prefer traditional methods of wine making.
4. He is a purist when it comes to baking, following recipes exactly.

WORD-10: Parochial

CONTEXT: Ironically, it was left to the IPL final — the shortest format is still viewed a tad condescendingly by purists — to bring focus on the soul of the game. No distraction of the big stars. No farewell circus. No tiring hero worship from the fans and no booing of players. No nationalistic or parochial team vibes in the stands. No fighting over a lost captaincy or arguing over star players’ strike rates. Nothing but cricket.

SOURCE: The Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine your school is just interested in what happens inside it and doesn’t think about other schools. That’s being “parochial.” It means caring only about small things around you and not looking at the big picture.

MEANING: Having a limited or narrow view or scope, often focused only on a
local area or community (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: narrow-minded, provincial, insular, limited, small-minded

1. The debate team challenged the parochial views of the audience.
2. His parochial attitude made it hard for him to appreciate other cultures.
3. They criticized the parochial approach to education reform.
4. A parochial school typically focuses on community involvement.



Vocabulary Synonyms

Title: “Expanding Linguistic Horizons: A Guide to Learning ‘Vocabulary Synonyms'”

In the intricate weave of language learning, ‘vocabulary synonyms’ emerge as a key element that adds depth and variety to expression. These different words with similar meanings enrich our vocabulary, enabling us to communicate with precision and clarity. However, grasping ‘vocabulary synonyms’ successfully warrants a systematic approach.

When approaching ‘vocabulary synonyms’, context is your compass. Engage with various reading materials like novels, newspapers, and digital content to explore and understand how these synonyms are used in different situations. This exposure will fortify your comprehension of ‘vocabulary synonyms’ and their usage nuances.

Employing memory-enhancing techniques can cement your grasp on ‘vocabulary synonyms’. Employing flashcards is an effective method where one side contains the word you know, and the other side has its synonyms. Also, creating mind maps, linking the known word to its various synonyms, can be an engaging way to learn ‘vocabulary synonyms’.

To master ‘vocabulary synonyms’, take an active role in application. Regular conversations, written communications, digital interactions – all of these offer ample opportunities to utilize learnt synonyms. This practice refines your application and accelerates internalization of ‘vocabulary synonyms’.

Embracing language exchange platforms or engaging with native speakers can provide invaluable feedback on the usage of ‘vocabulary synonyms’. This interaction can further enhance your understanding of the cultural idiosyncrasies of word usage.

In conclusion, learning ‘vocabulary synonyms’ is a rewarding pursuit that adds layers of complexity to your language skills. A thoughtful blend of diversified resources, memory tools, practice, and interactive learning can make the task of mastering ‘vocabulary synonyms’ an enjoyable and fruitful journey. Every synonym learnt paints your vocabulary with different shades of understanding, making your language canvas all the more vivid and spectacular!

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