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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.


WORD-1: Tantalizingly

CONTEXT: To two teenagers from New Jersey, Ellis Island was a forbidden mystery that was tantalizingly close to shore, so we began venturing to the island in a tiny rowboat with a 16-millimeter camera.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine seeing a big, beautiful cake through a window, and you really want to eat it but can’t reach it. That feeling of really wanting something you can see but can’t have is what “tantalizingly” means. It makes you feel excited and wanting more because it seems so good and so close.

MEANING: In a way that arouses interest or desire by teasing or being just out of reach (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: TAN-tuh-lie-zing-lee

SYNONYMS: enticingly, temptingly, alluringly, seductively, provocatively

1. The new toy was displayed tantalizingly in the store window.
2. The opportunity seemed tantalizingly close.
3. She tantalizingly hinted at some big news to come.
4. The dessert menu looked tantalizingly delicious.

Extremism Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Extremism

CONTEXT: all those things that used to filter toxic behaviors, buffer political extremism and nurture healthy communities and trusted institutions for young people to grow up in and which hold our society together.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if someone believes that only their favorite color should be used everywhere, and no other color is allowed. If they really insist on this very strongly and won’t listen to anyone else, that’s like “extremism.” It’s when people have very strong, strict beliefs about something and they won’t consider other ideas.

MEANING: The holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism (noun).


SYNONYMS: fanaticism, radicalism, zealotry, dogmatism, militancy

1. The group was known for its political extremism.
2. Extremism in any form can lead to social unrest.
3. The community worked together to combat the rise of extremism.
4. His speeches often bordered on extremism.


WORD-3: Falsified

CONTEXT: It used to be that if you were a candidate for president of the United States and it was alleged — with a lot of evidence — that you falsified business records to cover up sex with a porn star right after your wife had given birth to a child, you would lower your head in shame, drop out of the race and hide under the bed.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you are telling a story about a dragon, but instead of saying it’s from a story, you tell everyone it’s real and you saw it. You would be making up a part of the truth—that’s what “falsified” means. It’s when someone changes information to make it untrue.

MEANING: Altered information or data dishonestly; to make false by adding to or changing (verb).


SYNONYMS: forged, counterfeited, distorted, doctored, manipulated

1. The document was falsified to mislead the investigation.
2. He was accused of having falsified the records.
3. The data was found to be falsified, leading to the retraction of the study.
4. She denied claims that she had falsified her qualifications.

WORD-4: Fidelity

CONTEXT: The reason people felt ashamed is that they felt fidelity to certain norms — so their cheeks would turn red when they knew they had fallen short, explained Dov Seidman, the author of the book “How: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything” and founder of the How Institute for Society and LRN.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine drawing a picture that looks exactly like your pet dog. You try to make it as close to the real thing as possible. That’s what “fidelity” means—being very accurate and faithful to the original.

MEANING: To capture or trap someone or something.


SYNONYMS: loyalty, accuracy, faithfulness, exactitude, adherence

1. His fidelity to the company was recognized with a long-service award.
2. The fidelity of the reproduction impressed everyone at the exhibit.
3. She was known for her fidelity to her friends.
4. High fidelity sound systems reproduce music almost perfectly.


WORD-5: Conspicuously

CONTEXT: People in high places doing shameful things is hardly new in American politics and business. What is new, Seidman argued, “is so many people doing it so conspicuously and with such impunity: ‘My words were perfect,’ ‘I’d do it again.’

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine wearing a brightly colored hat in a room where everyone else has plain hats. You’d stand out a lot—that’s what “conspicuously” means. It’s when something is very noticeable because it’s different or not like the others.

MEANING: In a clearly visible way; attracting attention, often deliberately (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: kun-SPIK-yoo-us-lee

SYNONYMS: noticeably, obviously, prominently, strikingly, clearly

1. He was conspicuously absent from the meeting.
2. The award was conspicuously displayed in her office.
3. She nodded conspicuously to signal agreement.
4. His talent was conspicuously superior to his peers.

Corrosively Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Corrosively

CONTEXT: Nothing is more corrosive to a vibrant democracy and healthy communities, added Seidman, than “when leaders with formal authority behave without moral authority. Without leaders who, through their example and decisions, safeguard our norms and celebrate them and affirm them and reinforce them, the words on paper — the Bill of Rights, the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence — will never unite us.”

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a substance like lemon juice that can make a tiny hole in a metal if you leave it there for a long time. That’s what “corrosive” means. It refers to something that can slowly wear away or damage another thing by being harsh or strong.

MEANING: In a manner that causes damage or decay by chemical action (adverb).


SYNONYMS: erosive, caustic, acidic, burning, destructive

1. The corrosive chemicals required special handling.
2. Saltwater is corrosive to metals like iron and steel.
3. The environment was corrosive to the machine’s components.
4. He avoided corrosive substances in his experiments.

Anonymized Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Anonymized

CONTEXT: I know you envision a public database of information with anonymized NIL deals so that athletes and others can understand their fair market value. How would that work exactly?

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you drew a picture and instead of signing your name, you just left it blank so no one knew who made it. When something is made so that no one can tell who it belongs to or where it came from, it’s called “anonymized.”

MEANING: Made anonymous or nameless, often to protect identity or data


SYNONYMS: depersonalized, unnamed, unidentified, nameless, faceless

1. The data was anonymized before it was shared with researchers.
2. Personal details must be anonymized in published case studies.
3. Anonymized records help protect patient privacy.
4. The survey responses were anonymized to ensure confidentiality.

WORD-8: Unscrupulous

CONTEXT: We’re seeing the rise of agents including some really unscrupulous players who take advantage of the students.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone who cheats in a game to win, even if it makes others sad. This person doesn’t care about the rules or how others feel. That’s what “unscrupulous” means—it describes someone who does things that are wrong or dishonest because they only want to get what they want.

MEANING: Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair (adjective).


SYNONYMS: dishonest, unethical, immoral, unprincipled, deceitful

1. The businessman was known for his unscrupulous practices.
2. Unscrupulous marketers targeted elderly consumers.
3. The investigation uncovered unscrupulous behavior within the organization.
4. He was criticized for his unscrupulous methods.


WORD-9: Exacerbated

CONTEXT: The combination of NIL with the transfer portal I think has exacerbated the problem because look, anyone who likes sports, I watch pro sports, I watch college sports and they’re different.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a small scratch on your arm, and instead of letting it heal, you keep scratching it. The scratch becomes worse because you didn’t leave it alone. When something bad is made even worse by doing more things that aren’t helpful, it’s called “exacerbated.”

MEANING: Made a bad situation worse (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: ig-ZAS-ur-bay-tid

SYNONYMS: aggravated, worsened, intensified, amplified, heightened

1. The debate only exacerbated the conflict between the two groups.
2. His response exacerbated tensions during the negotiations.
3. The delay was exacerbated by the bad weather.
4. Poor communication exacerbated the misunderstanding.


WORD-10: Malnourished

CONTEXT: the Taliban takeover has erased 20 years of progress for women and girls, in many low-income countries where the number of acutely malnourished pregnant and breastfeeding women is soaring.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you didn’t eat enough healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and mostly had candy. Your body might not get the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy. When someone doesn’t get enough good food to eat, they are called “malnourished.”

MEANING: Suffering from malnutrition, not having enough good food to maintain health (adjective).


SYNONYMS: undernourished, underfed, starving, nutrient-deficient, emaciated

1. Many of the rescued animals were found to be severely malnourished.
2. Aid organizations strive to help malnourished children in crisis regions.
3. His illness left him weak and malnourished.
4. The community developed a program to address malnourishment among the elderly.



Vocabulary Words with Meaning, Synonyms and Antonyms PDF

Title: “Sailing the Linguistic Arc: Navigating ‘Vocabulary Words with Meaning, Synonyms and Antonyms PDF'”

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