- These tests are a check for your learning and are meant to serve as tools for assessment.
- The test is designed to check your current understanding of the language and whether you are able to logically co-relate different parts of a paragraph.
- Directions for individual questions: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
Ordering of Sentences: Test-28
Question 1 |
1. Priya went to the first counter at the post office as she needed stamps for six rupees.
P. She was shown the comer where gum bottle was kept.
Q. The woman behind the counter said it was registration counter and directed her to the last counter
R. She was looking for gum to affix the stamps on the envelope.
S. She thanked the lady and came to the counter on the left extreme and got the stamps.
6. She went to the corner, took two drops of gun, affixed the stamps and put the letter in the post box.
A | PSRQ |
B | RPQS |
C | SQPR |
D | QSRP |
Question 2 |
1. Agriculture
P. cotton for our clothes
Q. raw materials like jute
R. and sugarcane for our industries
S. gives us food
6. and food for cattle.
A | SRQP |
B | RQPS |
C | QPRS |
D | SPQR |
Question 2 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is S), followed by P) and Q), and the last sentence is R).
Question 3 |
1. An electrical circuit
(P) which is
(Q) of wires
(R) designed to
(S) is a circle
(6) carry electricity.
A | SQPR |
B | QPRS |
C | RQSP |
D | PRSQ |
Question 3 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is S), followed by Q) and P), and the last sentence is R).
Question 4 |
1. The landscape
P. with Nature displaying
Q. here is awesome
R. that are seldom
S. a range of delights
6. seen together
A | P S R Q |
B | Q P S R |
C | R S P Q |
D | Q R S P |
Question 4 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is Q, followed by P and S, and the last sentence out of the given options is R.
Question 5 |
1. It's only in the last three years that we have seen the rebirth of T.B.
P. What bothers experts is the emergence of particularly patent strains of the T.B. bacteria that are resistant to two or more anti- T.B. drugs.
Q. This is compounded by the fact that the symptoms disappear in about two months.
R. Three or four anti-T.B. drugs are available at no cost in Government clinics.
S. Yet, the long period of treatment leads to a high rate of non-compliance with the treatment.
6. In such cases, a relapse occurs and the bacteria appear in more virulent and drug-resistant.
A | PQRS |
B | SRQP |
C | QPRS |
D | RSPQ |
Question 5 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is P, followed by Q and R, and the last sentence out of the given options is S.
Question 6 |
1. One of his greatest successes to improve the water supply
P: The lepers could obtain it for filling a vessel at a mountain stream.
Q: They carried it to the village their sore covered shoulders.
R: Water was scarce.
S: They had to go some distance to wash their clothes.
6: That was one reason which remained dirty as often
A | RPQS |
B | PQRS |
C | QPRS |
D | RQPS |
Question 6 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is R, followed by P and Q, and the last sentence out of the given options is S.
Question 7 |
1. When she got to her house, there was nothing to retrieve.
P. All valuables were smashed or stolen.
Q. The curtains were burned; books were ripped to shreds.
R. Her medals and trophies had been flung everywhere.
S. The house had been completely ransacked.
6. 1. Mrs. M stood in the centre of her bedroom looking at a ruined copy of the Holy book, forcing back her tears.
A | PQRS |
B | PRQS |
C | SPRQ |
D | RSQP |
Question 7 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is S, followed by P and R, and the last sentence out of the given options is Q.
Question 8 |
1. Ramai and Samai were two poor young men.
P. On market day they sold their labour.
Q. The lived near Mahespur.
R. On other days, they remained in the village looking for work.
S. They wanted regular work.
6. The headman gave them two plots.
A | QPRS |
B | RPQS |
C | SPQR |
D | PQRS |
Question 8 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is Q, followed by P and R, and the last sentence out of the given options is S.
Question 9 |
1. Paucity of funds
P. universities cannot make a.
Q. essentials like books
R. sufficient expenditure on
S. ordains that the
6. Journals and equipment.
A | Q P R S |
B | S P R Q |
C | P Q R S |
D | Q S R P |
Question 9 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is S, followed by P and R, and the last sentence out of the given options is Q.
Question 10 |
1. This was an important day for Al at took.
P. It was a cold day, but Al a took would be warm.
Q. For the first time he was going to hunt seals alone.
R. First he put on his fur-lined jacket.
S. Then he put on mittens and boots of deerskin to protect his hands and feet from the cold.
6. Finally he picked up the gun he had cleaned so carefully the day before.
A | PQRS |
B | QPRS |
C | PRSQ |
D | QRPS |
Question 10 Explanation:
The first sentence out of the given options is Q, followed by P and R, and the last sentence out of the given options is S.
There are 10 questions to complete.
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