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Symbols of States of India

Indian states have their own state symbols including animal, bird, flower, tree etc. For some states there is no state flower, bird etc. The given below list contains list of the symbols of the States and union territories of India. Each State and Union territory has a unique set of official symbol. Helpful for the candidates in various Competitive Exams

 Andhra Pradesh
State animalBlackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)
State birdIndian roller (Coracias benghalensis benghalensis)
State flowerWater Lilly(Nymphaeaceae)
State treeNeem (Azadirachta indica)
State sealEmblem Of Andhra Pradesh
State songMaa Telugu Talliki (To my Mother Telugu)
 Arunachal Pradesh
State animalMithun (Bos frontalis)
State birdHornbill (Buceros bicornis)
State flowerFoxtail orchid (Rhynchostylis retusa)
State treeBhutan pine (Pinus wallichiana)
State seal
State AnimalIndian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)
State BirdWhite-winged duck (Asarcornis scutulata)
State FlowerFoxtail orchid (Rhynchostylis retusa)
State TreeHollong (Dipterocarpus macrocarpus)
State AnthemO Mur Apunar Desh
State Seal
State animalOx (oxen)
State birdHouse Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
State flowerKachnar (Phanera variegata)
State treeOrchid tree (Phanera variegata)
State seal
State animalWild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
State birdHill myna (Gracula religiosa)
State flowerRhynchostylis gigantea
State treeSal (Shorea robusta)
State seal
State animalGaur (Bos gaurus)
State birdRuby Throated Yellow Bulbul (Pycnonotus xantholaemus)
State flowerPlumeria rubra citation needed
State treeMatti (Terminalia elliptica)
State seal
State animalAsiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica)
State birdGreater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
State flowerMarigold (Tagetes)
State treeMango tree
State seal
State animalBlackbuck (kala hiran) (Antilope cervicapra)
State birdBlack francolin (Francolinus francolinus)
State flowerLotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
State treePipal (Ficus religiosa)
State seal
Himachal Pradesh
State animalSnow leopard (Uncia uncia)
State birdWestern tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus)
State flowerPink rhododendron
State treeDeodar cedar (Cedrus deodara)
State seal
 Jammu and Kashmir
State animalHangul (Cervus elaphus hanglu)
State birdBlack-necked crane (Grus nigricollis)
State flowerRhododendron ponticum
State treeChinar tree (Platanus oreintalis)
State seal
State animalAsian elephant (Elephas maximus)
State birdAsian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)
State flowerPalash (Butea monosperma)
State treeSal (Shorea robusta)
State seal
State animalAsian elephant         (Elephas maximus)
State birdIndian roller         (Coracias indica)
State flowerLotus         (Nelumbo nucifera)
State treeSandalwood         (Santalum album)
State sealGandaberunda
Song“Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate”
State languageKannada
State animalIndian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)
State birdGreat hornbill (Buceros bicornis)
State fishGreen chromide (Etroplus suratensis)Green chromide was designated state fish by Government of Kerala in     .
State flowerKanikonna (Cassia fistula)
State treeCoconut tree (Cocos nucifera)
State sealThe emblem portrays two elephants guarding the state and national insignias. The state insignia is the conch-shell of Lord Sri Padmanabha and the national insignia is the famous Lion Capital.
Madhya Pradesh
State animalBarasingha         (Rucervus duvaucelii)
State birdIndian paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)
State treeShala tree (Shorea robusta)
State fishMahasheer (Tor tor)
State FlowerMadonna lily (Lilium candidum)
State animalIndian giant squirrel     (Ratufa indica)
State birdYellow-footed green pigeon     (Treron phoenicoptera)
State flowerPride of India (Lagerstroemia speciosa)
State treeMango (Mangifera indica)
State butterflyBlue Mormon (Papilio polymnestor)
State seal
State animalSangai (Rucervus eldii eldii)
State birdNongyeen (Syrmaticus humiae)
State flowerSiroi lily (Lilium mackliniae)
State treeUningthou (Phoebe hainesiana)
State seal
State animalClouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
State birdHill myna (Gracula religiosa)
State flowerLady’s Slipper Orchid (Paphiopedilum insigne)
State treeGamhar (Gmelina arborea)
State seal
TitleSymbol        Notes
State animalHimalayan serow (Capricornis thar)
State birdMrs. Hume’s pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae)
State flowerRed Vanda (Renanthera imschootiana)
State treeIndian rose chestnut (Mesua ferrea)
State seal
TitleSymbol        Notes
State animalMithun
State birdBlyth’s tragopan (Tragopan blythii)
State flowerTree rhododendron (Rhododendron arboreum Sm.)
State treeAlder (Alnus nepalensis)
State animalSambar deer (Cervus unicolor)
State birdIndian roller     (Coracias benghalensis)
State flowerAsoka (Saraca asoca)
State treeIndian fig tree (Ficus racemosa)
State reptileSaltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
State sealThe seal represents Konark Sun Temple Horse.
SongBande Utkala Janani
Punjab (India)
TitleSymbol        Notes
State animalBlackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)
State birdBaj (Accipiter gentilis)
State flowerGladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus)
State treeSheesham (Dalbergia sissoo)
State seal
TitleSymbol        Notes
State animalChinkara (Gazella bennettii)
State mammalDromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
State birdIndian bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)
State flowerRohida (Tecomella undulata)
State treeKhejri (Prosopis cineraria)
State seal
State animalRed panda (Ailurus fulgens)
State birdBlood pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus)
State flowerNoble dendrobium (Dendrobium nobile)
State treeRhododendron (Rhododendron niveum)
State sealKham-sum-ongdu
  Tamil Nadu
TitleSymbols        Notes
State animalNilgiri tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius)
State birdEmerald dove (Chalcophaps indica)
State flowerGloriosa lily (Gloriosa superba)
State FruitJackfruit (“Artocarpus heterophyllus”)
State treePalm tree (Borassus flabellifer)
AnthemTamiḻ Tāy Vālttu Invocation to Tamil Mother
State sealSrivilliputhur Andal Temple
State animal(Spotted deer) Jinka (Axis axis)
State bird(Indian roller) Paala Pitta (Coracias indica)
State flowerTangidi Puvvu (Senna auriculata)
State treeJammi Chettu (Prosopis cineraria)
State fruit(Mango) Maamidi Pandu (Mangifera indica) citation needed
State sealEmblem Of Telangana
State song“Jaya Jaya He Telangana”
State fishKorameenu (Channa striatus)Declared as Telangana state fish in July
State animalPhayre’s leaf monkey (Trachypithecus phayrei)
State birdGreen imperial pigeon (Ducula aenea)
State flowerIndian rose chestnut (Mesua ferrea)
State treeAgarwood
State seal
 Uttar Pradesh
State animalBarasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii)
State birdSarus crane (Grus antigone)
State flowerPalash (Butea monosperma)
State treeAshoka (Saraca asoca)
State seal
State animalAlpine Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster)
State birdHimalayan Monal (Lophophorus impejanus)
State flowerBrahma Kamal (Saussurea obvallata)
State treeBurans (Rhododendron arboreum)
State sealSeal of Uttarakhand
 West Bengal
State animalFishing cat         (Prionailurus viverrinus)
State birdWhite-throated kingfisher         (Halcyon smyrnensis)
State flowerNight-flowering jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis)
State treeChatim tree (Alstonia scholaris)
State seal
Union Territories
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
State animalDugong or sea cow
State birdAndaman wood pigeon (Columba palumboides)
State flowerAndaman Pyinma (Lagerstroemia hypoleuca)
State treeAndaman padauk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides)
State seal
State animalIndian grey mongoose         (Herpestes edwardsii)
State birdIndian grey hornbill         (Ocyceros birostris)
State flowerDhak flower         (Butea monosperma)
State treeBlue jacaranda         (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
State seal
 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
State birdNot designated
State flowerNot designated
State treeNot designated
State seal
 Daman and Diu
State birdNot designated
State flowerNot designated
State treeNot designated
State seal
State animalNilgai     (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
State birdHouse sparrow (Passer domesticus)
State flowerAlfalfa (Medicago sativa)
State treeFlamboyant (Delonix regia)
State seal
State animalButterfly fish (Chaetodon falcula)
State birdNoddy tern (Anous stolidus)
State flowerStrobilanthes kunthiana
State treeBread fruit (Artocarpus incisa)
State seal
State animalIndian palm squirrel         (Funambulus palmarum)
State birdKoel         (Eudynamys scolopaceus)
State flowerCannonball         (Couroupita guianensis)
State treeBael fruit tree         (Aegle marmelos)
State seal
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