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Daily Vocabulary Words: Enhance Your Lexicon with Leading Newspapers & Publications
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Our selection includes words from:
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Make it a habit to visit our website daily and expand your lexicon with words from top newspapers and publications. (edited)

Exacerbation Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: It has no credible economic platform, the far right will revert to the only thing it knows – the exacerbation of tensions and the politics of hate.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine having a small cut on your hand, and you keep scratching it instead of letting it heal. This makes the cut worse—that’s called “exacerbation.” It means making a bad situation or condition worse than it already is.
MEANING: A worsening of a disease, condition, or problem (noun).
PRONUNCIATION: eg-zas-er-BAY-shun
SYNONYMS: Aggravation, worsening, intensification, escalation, increase
1. Lack of proper care led to the exacerbation of his symptoms.
2. The dispute saw an exacerbation after the controversial decision.
3. Pollution can lead to the exacerbation of respiratory problems.
4. Avoid stress to prevent the exacerbation of the condition.



CONTEXT: Some now seek to scare leftwing and centre-left voters by claiming that the NFP’s programme for government would be dangerous for the French economy.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a group in your school that always talks about sharing everything equally, like snacks or toys, so no one feels left out. This group could be considered “leftwing.” It refers to people or ideas that support social equality and do not like differences in wealth.
MEANING: The political position or activity that supports social equality and opposes the social hierarchy (adjective).
SYNONYMS: Liberal, progressive, socialist, radical, left-leaning
1. She has always supported leftwing policies.
2. The leftwing party won the recent elections.
3. He writes for a leftwing newspaper.
4. Leftwing activists organized the rally.

Repealing Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: The NFP’s policy platform credibly addresses how to finance a strategy of inclusive investment. By contrast, the far right argues in favour of repealing the existing tax on real-estate multi-millionaires.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if a rule at school says no running on the playground, but many kids think it’s too strict, so the school decides to remove the rule. That’s called “repealing.” It means officially ending a law or rule.
MEANING: Revoking or annulling a law or congressional act (verb).
SYNONYMS: Revoking, annulling, rescinding, abolishing, withdrawing
1. The government is considering repealing the outdated law.
2. Activists campaigned for the repealing of the controversial act.
3. The new administration began by repealing several policies of its predecessors.
4. The repeal of the law was celebrated by many.


CONTEXT: A cash-strapped government that wants to avoid tax increases or austerity has no choice but to partner with big finance, attracting private investment to rebuild the infrastructure that is crumbling after years of Tory underinvestment.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine your family decides to save money, so you stop eating out and buying toys for a while. This period of saving and spending less money is called “austerity.” It’s when the government reduces how much it spends to avoid debt.
MEANING: Strictness, seriousness, and self-discipline, often involving a lack of luxury (noun).
SYNONYMS: Severity, sternness, frugality, simplicity, thrift
1. The austerity measures affected public services.
2. He lived a life of austerity, with very few possessions.
3. The government’s austerity plan was met with public protests.
4. Austerity in design often emphasizes functionality over appearance.



CONTEXT: Housing is only one example of the areas where these investors can already be glimpsed.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re at the zoo and you see a tiger move quickly behind some trees. You only see it for a second—that’s called “glimpsed.” It means seeing something or someone for a very short time, so you only get a quick look.
MEANING: Saw briefly or partially (verb).
SYNONYMS: Caught sight of, spotted, peeped, saw briefly, noticed
1. She glimpsed a deer in the forest before it vanished.
2. He glimpsed his friend in the crowd.
3. I only glimpsed the painting as we rushed through the museum.
4. She glimpsed the future possibilities of the project.

Snapping Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: The global financial crisis, the firm also bought up nonperforming mortgages, and since then it has gone on a global shopping spree, snapping up homes across the US and Europe.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re building a tower with blocks, and suddenly one block breaks because you pushed too hard. That breaking sound is a “snap.” When someone gets really upset suddenly, it’s also called “snapping.” It means to break something quickly or lose patience suddenly.
MEANING: Breaking suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound (verb); or reacting angrily or impatiently (verb).
SYNONYMS: Breaking, cracking, fracturing; losing temper, reacting abruptly
1. The branch was snapping under the weight of the snow.
2. He ended up snapping at the persistent salesperson.
3. She was snapping pictures at the event.
4. His patience was snapping after hours of delay.



CONTEXT: The recipe to his success is clear: he’s willing to be opinionated, comical and – most compellingly in British politics – himself.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine telling a story so interesting that everyone around wants to listen more—that’s “compellingly.” It means in a way that captures attention very strongly or in a convincing manner.
MEANING: In a way that evokes interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way (adverb).
SYNONYMS: Convincingly, persuasively, captivatingly, forcefully, irresistibly
1. He argued his case compellingly.
2. The novel was written compellingly, drawing readers into its world.
3. She spoke compellingly about the need for change.
4. The evidence was presented compellingly during the trial.

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Reminiscent Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: His big 2.6m hitter commenting on some “lovely melons” was reminiscent of Giorgia Meloni’s bizarre melon video, which got 11.3m views at the time.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine smelling a type of cookie that reminds you of baking with your grandma. That feeling of remembering something because of a smell, sound, or sight is being “reminiscent.” It means something makes you think of something else from the past.
MEANING: Evoking memories or images of something (adjective)
SYNONYMS: Evocative, suggestive, recalling, reminiscent of, bringing to mind
1. The music was reminiscent of her childhood.
2. He told stories reminiscent of a different era.
3. The style of the building is reminiscent of ancient Greek architecture.
4. Her perfume was reminiscent of the flowers in spring.



CONTEXT: TikTok audiences will love to watch him and hate to watch him, and the shorter the video, the more likely it is it will loop, guzzling in rewatch time.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine drinking a whole bottle of water really fast because you’re super thirsty. That’s “guzzling.” It means to drink or eat something very quickly and in large amounts.
MEANING: Drink or eat (something) greedily (verb).
SYNONYMS: Devour, consume rapidly, gulp down, swig, chug
1. He was guzzling water after the long run.
2. The car was guzzling gas, costing me a fortune.
3. They spent the evening guzzling beers at the bar.
4. She guzzled the ice cream before it could melt.



CONTEXT: He has a 23-year-old rightwing creator now assisting him, and he will also be emboldened by cross-pollination with Reform UK’s active TikTok following, too.
SOURCE: Guardian
EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine being a little scared to try the big slide at the playground, but then your friend comes over and says you can do it together. Feeling braver because of your friend’s support is being “emboldened.” It means feeling encouraged or made more confident.
MEANING: Given the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way (verb).
SYNONYMS: Encouraged, heartened, fortified, inspired, strengthened
1. Emboldened by the crowd’s support, she finished her speech.
2. The success of the project emboldened the team to take on more challenging tasks.
3. He felt emboldened to speak out after hearing others’ stories.
4. The favorable response emboldened her to publish her work.



Vocabulary Grammar

Title: “Intersecting Paths of Learning: Unraveling ‘Vocabulary Grammar'”

The journey of language mastery is a thrilling blend of words and structure, often referred to as ‘vocabulary grammar’. These critical components of any language work hand in hand to facilitate meaningful communication. However, embracing ‘vocabulary grammar’ requires a nuanced understanding and a strategic learning approach.

The initial step towards understanding ‘vocabulary grammar’ is to study the functionality of words in a sentence. Grammar holds the key to how vocabulary is structured in language. Therefore, observe how words change or influence meaning when placed differently in a sentence.

Leveraging diverse resources is a great way to grasp ‘vocabulary grammar’. Engage with a range of reading materials, audio-visual resources, and interactive language apps. This offers genuine exposure to ‘vocabulary grammar’ in real-world contexts and enhances comprehensive learning.

While learning ‘vocabulary grammar’, it’s important to see vocabulary and grammar as interconnected. Understanding how different parts of speech function can help in the effective usage of vocabulary. Try creating your own sentences using new vocabulary following certain grammatical rules to reinforce learning.

Revision holds its due significance in mastering ‘vocabulary grammar’. Regular review of learnt grammar rules and vocabulary ensures long-term retention and bolsters understanding. Use techniques like spaced repetition to make your review sessions more effective.

Lastly, practicing ‘vocabulary grammar’ is key to cementing your knowledge. Whether it is through writing exercises or conversing in the language, practicing allows you to apply ‘vocabulary grammar’ in a practical context and aids in accurate language use.

In conclusion, understanding ‘vocabulary grammar’ calls for conscious observation, diversified resources, interconnected learning, regular revision, and relentless practice. As you navigate this path, you will see ‘vocabulary grammar’ like two sides of the same coin, both essential to the value it holds in the wealth of language learning.

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