by Wordpandit | Oct 4, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
Directions : Study the pie-chart carefully to answer the questions that follow. Total number of students are 8000 Data Provided: Percentage Wise Break up of Students in terms of Specialization in MBA Question 1: What is the total number of students having...
by Wordpandit | Oct 3, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
These questions are based on the pie charts which represent the shift in water usage between 2006 and 2009; based on a survey conducted by Central Water Commission. Water Usage in 2006 (In Trillion Litters ) Water Usage in 2009 (In Trillion Litters ) Question 1: If...
by Wordpandit | Sep 28, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
Directions: Study the following pie-charts to answer these questions. Question 1: If 22% of the Production department persons are posted at Hyderabad region, then what % of Hyderabad workforce are in Production department? (a) 38.5% (b) 78% (c) 68 % (d) 22% Question...
by Wordpandit | Sep 21, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
Directions: There are seven different types of tyres manufactured by a factory. The pie charts show the percentage of sales of the tyres in a city in two consecutive months of September and October. The total number of type B tyres sold in September and October were...
by Wordpandit | Sep 21, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
Directions (Q. Nos. 1- 4) Study the following pie chart in respect of a library to answer these questions. Question 1: By how much percentage is the value of history books higher than that of film magazines? (a) 172% (b) 27.2% (c) 272% (d) 72% Question 2: Which of the...
by Wordpandit | Sep 20, 2016 | Data Interpretation Sets |
Directions: These questions are based on the table and pie charts. The table gives the demand for gas in Million Metric Standard Cubic Metres Per Day (MMSCMPD). Question 1: What is the approximate percentage growth in the all India demand for Industry sector between...