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CAT Vocabulary Preparation: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How to approach this segment of preparation?

Students generally have a lot of doubts with regards to CAT Vocabulary Preparation and I thought it is best to address all these questions in a single place. This article adopts the style of a FAQ and provides answers to important questions one at a time.

Question-1: Is it important to learn words for the CAT exam? What part of the exam is based on Vocabulary?
Answer: The short and simple answer: in the last three years, ZERO (0) Vocabulary Questions have appeared in CAT. But does this mean you should not prepare for this section? Well, you should learn words and improve your vocabulary for two reasons:

  1. Enhanced vocabulary improves your general English skills and helps improves comprehension greatly (RCs are a major of CAT Verbal Ability section).
  2. Vocabulary questions are an important part of exams such as NMAT, SNAP, IIFT, and MAT. In case you are planning to appear for these exams (most students who prepare for CAT prepare for these exams), then you should most definitely pay attention to vocabulary preparation.

Question-2: How many words should you learn in a single day?
Answer: This number varies individual to individual but if learn 5 to 10 words on a daily basis, you are doing a good job. You should begin slowly and then gradually increase the number of words you learn daily. If you read regularly, then one good thing that is going to happen is that you are going to encounter the same words again and again.

Question-3: What are the various vocabulary questions types that are a part of various MBA entrance exams?
Answer: You should prepare for the following question types:

  1. Synonyms and Antonyms
  2. Sentence Completion/Fill in the blanks
  3. Idioms and Phrases
  4. Cloze Tests
  5. Analogies
  6. One word substitution
  7. Spelling tests and other miscellaneous question types

The good thing is that we have tests for all these topics listed on the CAT Verbal Ability Tests page. You can take these tests for free.

Question-4: How should you learn words?
Answer: I have listed these answers to these questions in the articles listed below. Explore these articles and you should have all your answers:

Coupled with the above, the CAT Vocabulary Prep Plan is the perfect place for you to learn words daily in a systematic manner. Time for you to become a Vocabulary Wizard..:)

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